Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Austin, December 14th

Today we wrote the first finals. I exempted English, so I had the las period free. Unfortunately I didn't kow we write today, I thought its on thursday, so I didn't took care for a ride home. So I sat in front of the class and watched the girls writing their final, texting some friends and reading a car magazine.

I wrote my History final in 3rd period. 100 annoying questions, luckily multiple choice, so I didn't need long. Until lunch break I was finished. Then I played Poker with some other guys in the class. We played about everything, pencils, coins from a other game, food an a little money. I lost 3$, someone else about 10-15$. 

1 comment:

  1. Alter Zocker,

    Kein Glück im Spiel, kein Geld für die Liebe!

