Sunday, March 6, 2011


Austin, March 6th

I woke up pretty early. Like often on sundays. i don't know why, but when i can sleep long I'm usually not that tired. i watched a little TV until Loran and Gary got up. then we went to IHOP (International House of Pancake) for breakfast. Then we watched a little more TV and went to Popeyes for dinner. Not the sailor guy, that's a chicken fried chicken and biscuit place. the biscuits are disgusting, but they made the best chicken all over the world!

Later I went to Carolin's house and we played Risk A.D. 2230 or so. Some kind of futuristic Risk. I lost, i made a little mistake and didn't attack who was most dangerous for me, but the guy who had hismwhole army in Australia. And I wanted to see how much damage I could do with just 6 troops. Well, he lost half of his arm, and I the whole game a few rounds later.
In this version of Risk there are islands or territories or something in the water.. One of them is called Atlantis. I wonder why Atlantis is ther in the pacific ocean, shouldn't it be in the atlantic. Isn't that where the name comes from Atlantic/Atlantis?

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