Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's cold. Outside.

Austin, November 2nd

I wonder, if I can implement parts of songs if the title. Like for today it would be the sentence 'It's cold outside'. Hmm... I don't know the title of the song... But that's exactly what I want to hear now.

This morning I got my phone back. For that I was first in the main office, so Loran could sign in as visitor, then in the attendance office to get the phone. And later in Spanish class I got a note that I have to go to the guidance office. But not because the phone, I had to sign something, that I go back to Germany after this year, so I don't have to do the TAKS. As if I had a choice, my visa isn't valid for a second year. 
In football class the special teams had practice. So I had to take a knee, somewhere at the field to mark the position of the opponent. And it was cold. As long as you move it's okay, at least for me. I'm used to such temperatures, for the poor americans it was much worse. And the shower was cold. 

In multimedia I colored greyscale picture. I have no access to my email account and now not even SchuelerVZ anymore, so I can't upload my pictures.
My multimedia teacher plays Call of Duty, can you belive that? She said, that some in her CoD team are from Germany, so she wanted me to show her, from what part of Germany I am. 
With my football coach I talked about the German school system. It's nice, that so many people are interested in the differences of the US and germany. One football player asked me on what side the cars in Germany drive. Actually he asked me twice. And Steffen at least once.
And some other player lookes shocked, when I told them, that for me the weather is a great November weather.
But after school the weather was really bad. It was cold, windy and it started to rain. We stopped practice at about ten after five. So I had to wait almost an hour until someone picked me up. I should ask some guys if they life close to Avery Ranch, but most of them life in a other dirrection. It really sucks, that I can't reach nothing without a car. And if both of my hostparents work, I can't to anything.

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