Monday, November 29, 2010


Austin, November 29th

Today was fun. In football class we were in the Study hall, the coaches informed us about some stuff for the off-season and next year. I talked with some friends about what we did during the break.
We are about to start our final semester project for Mulitmedia. We have to chose a movie poster and redesign it. With own pictures and text and everything selfmade, but it has to look like the original poster.
I think I will do a Star Wars poster. I found a really good looking poster of the little Anakin.

Steffen and I sit usually  with Emily and some other band kids in Lunch on b-days. Today we decided to 'visit' Caro after we ate. She and her friend sat outside, it's weir weather. Not really cold, but not warm either.

My best class today was theater. We write in groups of three little plays. Pretty in the beginning of the class Jessi gave me her eyeliner pen, or maybe she didn't mean to give it to me, whatever, I had the eyeliner in my hands and tried to put it on - without a mirror. Jessi said it's possible, so I tried. it suck at this. So she helped me. Some of the class were shocked when they saw me with eyeliner, most just laughed, but my teacher said I'm a pretty girl! I knew it, it's true: Boys are the prettier girls!
But it hurt a bit, I think I draw on my eyeball.

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