Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Austin, August 24th

No, it's not my Birthday, it's just B-day at school. Yesterday was A-day, tommorow is wednesday. Why have the wednesdays a special bell schedule? And what is RANGER TIME?
Well, I'll see it tomorrow.

I had Calculate BC AP (why don't they just say: Maths for master or something,, so everyone knows it's too hard). And I understand almost nothing. Yeah, okay, maybe a bit about limits. But I can't get along with that stupid school calculator and I don't want to buy a new one for 100$ if I have almost the same in Germany. That, and the fact that I'm too lazy for homeworks after coming home at about 7pm, made me changing class. Now I have Algebra II. Hopefully I can use there a normal cheap calculator, or the old one fram Loran. And instead of Physics C AP will I go to Theatre class. Now I think I have more or less just easy classes. It's hard enough to understand all the people around me. 
Before Spanish a cheerleader wanted me to translate "her gangster language" into German. Yo man, gangster, alright, but she tried her best to make the gangster. It was very funny.

Spanish was easy, me llamo German. No I'm serious. My name in Spanish is German. I wanted Alejandro, but Alexander asked me if he can have this name. And I mean German - spanish for warrior. It's cool, and it's eary to remember 'cause I am a German.
Okay, the Spanish name is spoken a bit different and normally there is a accent at the 'a'. But I can't find it at the american keyboard.
You have a key for / and for \, but no one for a ` over a letter. Funny Americans.
In multimedia I met a other German exchange student. But I had no time to talk to her, because I had to go to my guide counselor. And then I had suddenly multimedia not in the 8th period, but in the 7th. So I went to theater class and surprise, the was the other German girl. I think I know now all the Germans here. 

Soo, what happened today... I had football practise today, the only difference to yestersay was, that I have a helmet, shorts and a shirt now. Everything in black. The air pad in my helmet burst right before I want to try the hemlemt -.- It was a very loud bang xD
Steffen (I think the other German football player is called Steffen) ad I taught one of the coaches some important German words like Dach, Haus, Hund, Pfeife, Helm... and some players yeah, I think everyone knows what they wanted to learn...

I just checked the list for the stuff I have to buy for school. Why want the teacher kleenex boxes? Have they a cold? And a dozen of glue sticks. Hmm...
But I'm tired now and I still have homeworks to do, so I will stop here.

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