Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ready for school

Austin, August 18th

Just a few days until school. A perfect start for a conversation. A stupit topic, but a good start.

Today I were at the pool. Not the same like yesterday, because this one is closed today.
After a while a girl entered the pool. The first one who was more or less my age. Like I yesterday wrote, ther live many people with little children. About ten were it today.
Back to that girl (yeah its stupid to write just about a girl I don't really know, but it was the only thing that differentiated this day from yesterday), she jumped sometimes in the pool, swum a bit, go out agin and lay in the sun, while I swum and swum. Sometimes go out and lay down. Suddenly she sat down at the pool edge, feet in the water. So my big chance to get someone know before school starts.
I don't know if you ever been in an American high school. But if, you will maybe know how bad it is to sit during lunch period alone in the cafeteria. I'm not  sharp on it to make this experience.

 So I thought, how to start conversation. I had no idea and so I just jump into the water, swum a line under the water (damn it burns in the eyes, I really should buy swimm glasses) and, yeah, did nothing (stupid stupid stupid, in Germany I'm seldom so shy to same aged people -.-). So I stand in the water, she sat about one meter away from me. Nothing happened.
Than I jumped out of the water and sat down at the edge. So we were both sitting there and watching the little boys try to impress the little girls. And their mommys.
Again I was thinking about what to say, I just want to ask if she is often here or if she know where I can buy swimm glasses, I couldn't decide and I had no coin to flip (why do I always flip a coin or use a counting rhyme? Hmm because it's the easiest way to decide something I think), whatever in just that moment she looks to me and asks: "Ready for school?"
Yay I hadn't to ask a stupid question, but she started our conversation (is there an other word for conversation?) with somethig easy like "Ready for school?"
We talked about school (booring) a bit about me (yea better) and a bit about her (best), but just the normal stuff, "what's your name", "what languages do you speak" "where are you from". She is also new here, she comes from Lousianna and goes to the 10th grade. To the same school like me. Great!
But after a while her mom cames and picked her up. Goodbye Mary Grace!

A short time later I went home too. I was hungry. So I had a taco and rice, ride my bike to the walgreens shop and discovered the hood.

So thats my day so far. I think I will grap a snack (ham salad and crackers, thats sound ineresting) and ride to the pool. And look how the houses there look like.

Greens, the Name of the Neighborhood I life into

The Avery Ranch Neighborhoods have aYard of the Month Competition, that's crazy isn't it?

Tomorrow I'm sooo dead. After dinner, Spaghetti =), we went to the Gym. Oh my Gosh, after half an hour I couldn't move my arms anymore. But no chance to stop. Over an hour hard cyrcle training and then 15 minutes running as cooldown. And the protein drink tastes soo bad. I need water. Much water. Very much water.
I'm so glad thatt I have no school tomorrow. I think I will sleep until 10 am, have a huge breakfast and go to the pool. No first I will look for a swimm glass, then to pool. I'm too tired to make somethink to eat anymore, I hope I will reach my teeth with the toothbrush.
Enough complained, I had fun at the pool and in the gym, no matter how much it hurts now, tomorrow it will be worse, so I should be happy that I had so a great day. Good nite everybody, in about five minutes I will be in the bed and fell asleep.

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