Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New York

Newark, August 11th

Today we made a bus trip through New York.

I had the first time breakfast from the Subway. I really don't understand why everyone likes the Subway so much, the Sandwich is really not so good as that I will ever spend so much money for one of them.

New York is great, and huge. First we were at the Empire State Building. By this way, why it's called Empire State? The USA have never been an Empire! Then we saw Harlem and different Hotels where some Stars live. Thats really cool, I whished we had saw some of them. But I fear I wouldn't recognize them even if they wuold dance in slips on a taxi. I really have no idea who they are, maybe I should watch more TV to learn something about the "stars". But not this year. the VIPs can wait, first I want to see and learn as much as possible about the USA.

When we were on a boat to the Statue of Libery the batteries of my camera goes dead. I have just a few pictures from the second half of the trip =(

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you made many pictures!! I'm looking forward to regard them with you .. :D
