Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Austin, September 21st

Today we should wear 3 cowboy or indian items in US history, to get a extra point in the six weeks average.
But Loran and Gari have more than just three, so I had a complete cowboy outfit.
I had this stuff in a bag and wear it just after football class, so I could let my normal clothes in the locker room. It was funny, everywhere the students smiled when they saw me. The German in Texas style.
Always I heard from a student and even from teacher: "You look cute" or "Sweet hat" or "I like your outfit"...

In English class, I changed my cowboy head against a skater cap. And then my class mates wanted me to say some 'gangsta' sentences. I tried my best, but they wanted to hear slang words, I've never heard before. But it was funny. 
And when one of the guys put the cowboy hat on my head (I was still wearing the other cap) really everyone laughed. To bad that I had no mirror...
But the best thing about the outfit was: The boots were to big.
I twisted my ankle in football class, and so I was happy that I could wear this big boots instead of my normal shoes.
One of the coaches sounds somehow proud, when he saw me and my 'first football injury'.

Colleen just saw this picture. Now she wants me to go with her to a rodeo in march, in this outfit. That would be really cool!

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