Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Its raining! man...

Austin, September 7th

Yes, in Texas does it rain sometimes. And sometimes the whole day...

Loran brought me to school, so I hadn't to wait for the bus in the rain. Thank you for that.
Algebra was quite boring. I don't know why, but somehow the times runs in American schools, in Germany I often just sit there and wait for the bell ringing. Well, the whole class is just waiting for bell ringing I guess. But here in Austin the time runs.
In football class we were in the gym, because of the rain I think. I was soo tired after the workout. It's really hard, but most of the time it's fun, somehow.
Wow, my vocabulary is really small today, I guess....

I felt like an old man when I went to US history, unable to make fast movements, and with a hurting back.
Shouldn't my body to be used to the workout after two weeks almost everyday weight lifting?
But at least you feel like you have done something, not just sitting around and let the life pass.
At lunch I sat with Steffen, Adam (it think it's his name, he is in my English and Football class, so actually I should now his name -.-), and two girls.
In English we write at our poem, now I finally have start it =)

Then we had football practice. And it rained. And rained and rained. The temperature was oky, it felt like at home. About 20 degrees celsius. Just the wind disturbed. And of course the rain. My clothes were wet from the workout earlier, and then from the rain. It was really not nice. Some of the players froze. And for the first time I was happy that the shower was hot.

I was completely wet. From head to the feet. The water flew out of my pants, and pads, and jersey and everywhere.  All football clothes will be washed and we had to take our schoes home to dry them.
Practice endet about 40 minutes earlier, so I had to wait until Loran came back from work and could pick me up. So I stand there, barfoot -my socks were wet and I had forgot to take a second pair with me- with two pair shoes hanged on my bag.

Back at home later,  I first put underwear on. No wait, first I put my jeans off, then I put pants on, it feels much better with pants. Hmm somehow I have the feeling that this is one of the things you shoulnd't share with the whole world. Like when I Jessica told that. No, she said she didn't want to know this so exactly, than I think it's better not to say that.

Some other guys waited for their parents, too. They were really impressed when they saw Lorans car.

Marc are you kidding?? No, thats the car of my hostdad xD

We went direct to a hair cutter. I have now short hairs again, it feels strange...so naked...I don't like hair cutter...

Why the heck has a hair studio the rule, that they are not allowed to cut customers without shoes the heir?
I had to go back to the car and take some shoes. Well, just in the moment I left the building a horrible shower came down, I was maybe 15 seconds outsude and completely wet...again.
I took my football shoes, they were already wet. So I gone in again, sat down, waited until I had the thing to protect your clothes from the hairs on, and put out my shoes again.
Hmm, it lookes nice, but I have just brown hair again, I think I will color them again. Maybe a bit blue, or red, or blond again?
The last time I colored my hair because I was bored, now I have so much to do, that I'm never bored. Maybe I should do the coloring this time with a plan what I want to do.
Or just put the stuff on my had and look what happened? Difficult decision, but in each case I will read the instructions first, I don't want to ruin another towel xD

My shoes are in the garage under a ventilator-like thing to dry.

Then I ate something and did homework.
I had a short view in this facbook stuff (Wow, more and more people send me friend requests, I think I should leave it again, I hate beeing just one friend of thousends)

So I think thats everything I have to say for today.

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