Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Still raining

Austin, Setember 8th

This morning it still raines. The school sent Loran an eMail, school starts two hours later today xD
I start to like the rain, but when the school later starts, will I have longer school?

Hmm, who cares, I go sleep again. 

School at 10:45. Thats cool. Every class is shorter than normal, and Ranger Time is tomorrow, instead of today.

In Spanish we should write a test, but we had no time xD
Football was okay, but I got the ball on a finger, when I tried to catch it. Its swallen now, and totally blue -.-

Multimedia is easy. I have to create a Ladybug. Funny name. But the German name isn't better: Marienkeafer. (Like the mother of Jesus 'Maria' or Marien. And kaefer/bug)

When the teacher saw my bug she said, it has at one side a pink gradient, everyone laughed... But I told them pink is a nice color, and everyone was quiet.
And the red ladybug with one yellow shaded and one pink shaded wing looks very cute.

In theater class we saw Hercules. The English pronounciation of Hercules is funny. Jessica and I first didn't know what they meant, until the movie begun.
Stupid Disney, why do they have to sing all the time? The movies could be soo good, if they would sing less.

Then I had football practice. It started to rain and so we went into the locker room and waited until it stopped. Then we went out again, but after a few minutes it started again. This time we had to stay outside, untill practice was over. At 6:30 -.-

Loran picked me up, and we were out eating with Paul and his girlfriend.

They are really nice.
And the food. MMMMM; It was great. I don't know what fish it was, but it tasted great.
Paul and Loran talked about the work.
I understood most of what they said. (Proud of myself)
Later I had to buy some school stuff. Flashcards... I hate flashcards. In Germany I never used flahcards for my English vocabulary. Okay, I had sometimes to write the words down, because the teacher wanted to see them, but I never used them to learn.
And now I have to use it for Spanish...

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