Monday, March 28, 2011

Bad Weather Make up day

Austin, March 28th

Because of the day of, some months ago, we had school today. A lot of classes are behind on B-day schedules. For me it was basicly a day like everyone else. Get up in the morning, sit around in Photo-J, run a little in football. We did a speed test, I need a little over 5 seconds for 40 yards. I actually tried to be under 5. At shuttle-run I needed 4.83. That was okay, but I try to get under 4.5.

The weather was pretty cold, so we didn't run a lot in track. Just 3 times three hundret, two times 100 sprint and jog back. And then a test how far we can run in 50 seconds.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Garden work

Orlando, March 16th

Today we worked in the garden around the trailer. Looks pretty nice now.
We wanted to charge the electro scooter but the batterie was broken.
The evening Steffen and I spend in the Hot Tub where we met an retiered teacher who explained us how bad the American school system is. He compared it to the Canadian end even the German school system.
For dinner we had chicken. We wanted to eat outside, but right when we started it got dark and the mosquitos came.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Universal Studios

Orlando, Florida, March 15th

Todays Park is the Universal Studios Park. I really liked the Mumie ride. The line was in a museum. So we could see things they used in the movies, things we could see in an actual egypt museum and they even played parts of the movies.

Steffen and I bought matching bracelets with Universal 2011 S&M on it. My hostdads and Laura, the German girl from Houston we met some weeks ago, were the only one who realized the meaning of S&M, I mean other than Steffen and Marc. The idea we got from Rihannas song called: S&M.

Steffen and I were volunteer in a street show. Actually they wanted some who lived in the 80's, but they till took us. I guess they just wanted to embarrass us, because we had o idea what they were talking about (do the Wave? what is the wave??)
 I think the best ride we were today was the 4D Simpson ride. It was like a whole episode with us in it. We started on a roller coaster and end being chased by Sideshow Bob who wants to kill Bart. It was just great.

Then we wanted to do the Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil statue together with someone in a monkey costume. But we messed up.
We went to a Harry Potter Store where we dressed as Griffindor Students and run around with little plastik brooms and wands. The prices were insane, but it was a lot of fun.
Steffen and I went on the Hulk ride as single riders. So we wouldn't have to wait so long. And exactly when we were on that ride they had some problems and we sat like 20 minutes in the car, just short before we were at the station to leave the car.
After that we waited like 2 and a half hours for the Harry Potter ride. We walked through a Hoghwart copy and waited and waited and waited. they had technical difficulties while we were in a room where harry, Ron and Hermione talked about something. It was annoying to listen to them for 20 minutes. The ride itself was cool. Another 4D ride.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Disneys Hollywood Studios

Orlando, March 14th

We went to the first Walt Disney World park, the Hollywood Studios Park. The first thing we did was going to the Rock'n'Roll Coaster, a really fast roller coaster. The best one in this park. After that we went to the Tower of Terror, the coaster is actually a elevator which stopps suddenly and falls down. Goas up and down again. And even forward!
Steffen and I bought necklaces.

Steffen bought a Mickey Mouse necklace and I a Tower of Terror dog tag

Steffen, me and my hero: Darth Maul

In this park was an American Idol Experience show. Its like American Idol, just for people in the park. The winner get's tickets for the real American Idol.
We saw the final show, Steffen and I cheered for one of the candidates so loud, that the moderator and the candidate noticed us. The singer even said we would be cute.
It's funny to be in one of the last rows and the whole audience stares at you, because the people in front of the camera are talking about you.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Leesburg, Florida, March 13th

We drove the rest of the way from Mississippi to Florida. And then down to Leesburg close to Orlando.
We had dinner together with Lorans mom and dad.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Somewhere in Mississippi, March 12th

We left for Florida today. We actually wanted to stop in New Orleans, but we continued driving until we came to a little town in Mississippi.
For dinner we went to Chili's. Loran dared me to signalize the girls on a close table i would love them. I did it and they hided laughing under the table. The mother laughed as well, but the dad, I don't think it was so funny. We four had a lot of fun there.
We had a room in a motel. Steffen and I wanted to go to the pool, but it was too dirty. So we went to the Holiday Inn the street down, and went there to the pool. We took two towels as souveniers. We had them around our hips, when we walked back to our motel, and infront of a night club, we were asked why we wear towls. We answered we felt like it and left.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Football rules

Austin, March 11th

Last day of school! Then is finally spring break!
Loran took me early to school, I had some time before I went to the weight room, so i decided to shave. I'm not perfectly sure if thats legal in school, since razor have sharp blades. And in a counrty in which lighter count as weapons, I don't know what they would count as a tool. But no teacher saw me and my football mates have no reason to tell anyone what the German dude does in the restroom.
Then I worked out with a few of the freshmen and one guy from the track team. I love working out before school. It makes me wake up.
Then I went to the cafeteria where i met some friends.
In Photo-J Matt and i worked on our Gummibears fight Gummi Octopus Stop Motion project. We have a little trouble with creating the video. it lags extremely.
Between first and second period was a tug of war competition. If you look at the teams, you would expect the Senior bos to win, they are beasts! Full of muscle, at least 6 feet and 2 inches tall. probably more and their clothes look like they would rip if the flex their muscles. But they lost already in their first game against the champs, the JV football team!
In football we had competition day and played Ranger ball. It was the first time that we Swoldiers WON every game! Usually we lose.

In study hall the coaches told us that everyone has to find a Sponsor for a hole at the golf fundraiser tounament for the Football Booster Club at the memorial weekend. I will talk to Loran about asking his boss as a sponsor.

Later I went with gary to the movies, we watched Battle Los Angeles.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Soccer game

Austin, March 8th

After a log school day and a even longer track practice I watched the soccer game. We played a tie, not really good, especially since it's about a place in the play offs.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pole Jump

Austin, March 7th

I didn't go to the morning workout. Austin's car is broken again. No problem, so I can sleep 30 minutes longer.
We had a terrible track practice. The coach made us first run 500 meters. And after we finished that, we should run 400 more. And then another 300. And then really quick 200 more.
I skipped the cool down, I went to the pole jumpers. i know two of them, one from the football season and one I got known one or two weeks ago in the locker room. he is a freshman, so i didn't met him earlier. They introduced me to Vicky, one other pole jumper. She showed me how to do the pole jump stuff and I tried it a few times. I always landed on my feet and on the mat. What is not bad, like they said. But I don't think I could do the crazy high jumps I saw them doing!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Austin, March 6th

I woke up pretty early. Like often on sundays. i don't know why, but when i can sleep long I'm usually not that tired. i watched a little TV until Loran and Gary got up. then we went to IHOP (International House of Pancake) for breakfast. Then we watched a little more TV and went to Popeyes for dinner. Not the sailor guy, that's a chicken fried chicken and biscuit place. the biscuits are disgusting, but they made the best chicken all over the world!

Later I went to Carolin's house and we played Risk A.D. 2230 or so. Some kind of futuristic Risk. I lost, i made a little mistake and didn't attack who was most dangerous for me, but the guy who had hismwhole army in Australia. And I wanted to see how much damage I could do with just 6 troops. Well, he lost half of his arm, and I the whole game a few rounds later.
In this version of Risk there are islands or territories or something in the water.. One of them is called Atlantis. I wonder why Atlantis is ther in the pacific ocean, shouldn't it be in the atlantic. Isn't that where the name comes from Atlantic/Atlantis?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

AIDS thing

Austin, March 5th

Gary, Loran and i went to a AIDS charity event and worked there the food tables. We were there hours and hours and didn't really had a lot to do.
They had loud music, a not very good show, and a silent auction besides a lot of food tables from different restaurants and donations. The only thing from the Auction I was interested in was a dallas Cowboys football helmet with signature of one of the players. It was sold for about 350 bucks.
I took a little souvenier from the food table. Heat in a can. It's like a mini one-time-use grill. I don't know what I will use it for yet, but I'm sure I will find something to burn. Not the cats, unfortunately my hostparents have a problem with that.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Early Call

Austin, March 4th

Some idiot called me at 6 in the morning. I don't know who, it was a number from Michigan, and the only phone number from there is my own. And at 6 a.m. am I not picking up the phone for someone I don't know.
I couldn't sleep after that anymore, so I was tired all day.
After school Loran and I went to the Kung Fu Buffet. Actually not a really good buffet, but you can eat as much as you want and I was really hungry.

Most important event today:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Austin, March 1st

Today was TAKS Tests day. TAKS are some kind of a exam that the students have to take every year until Junior Year. We Exchange students are excluded, so we didn't have to go to school until about 1 o'clock. And then we had every class for about 20 minutes. All in all a very senseless day. Except for Track practice, something little like a exam is no reason not to do track.