Saturday, March 12, 2011


Somewhere in Mississippi, March 12th

We left for Florida today. We actually wanted to stop in New Orleans, but we continued driving until we came to a little town in Mississippi.
For dinner we went to Chili's. Loran dared me to signalize the girls on a close table i would love them. I did it and they hided laughing under the table. The mother laughed as well, but the dad, I don't think it was so funny. We four had a lot of fun there.
We had a room in a motel. Steffen and I wanted to go to the pool, but it was too dirty. So we went to the Holiday Inn the street down, and went there to the pool. We took two towels as souveniers. We had them around our hips, when we walked back to our motel, and infront of a night club, we were asked why we wear towls. We answered we felt like it and left.

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