Friday, March 11, 2011

Football rules

Austin, March 11th

Last day of school! Then is finally spring break!
Loran took me early to school, I had some time before I went to the weight room, so i decided to shave. I'm not perfectly sure if thats legal in school, since razor have sharp blades. And in a counrty in which lighter count as weapons, I don't know what they would count as a tool. But no teacher saw me and my football mates have no reason to tell anyone what the German dude does in the restroom.
Then I worked out with a few of the freshmen and one guy from the track team. I love working out before school. It makes me wake up.
Then I went to the cafeteria where i met some friends.
In Photo-J Matt and i worked on our Gummibears fight Gummi Octopus Stop Motion project. We have a little trouble with creating the video. it lags extremely.
Between first and second period was a tug of war competition. If you look at the teams, you would expect the Senior bos to win, they are beasts! Full of muscle, at least 6 feet and 2 inches tall. probably more and their clothes look like they would rip if the flex their muscles. But they lost already in their first game against the champs, the JV football team!
In football we had competition day and played Ranger ball. It was the first time that we Swoldiers WON every game! Usually we lose.

In study hall the coaches told us that everyone has to find a Sponsor for a hole at the golf fundraiser tounament for the Football Booster Club at the memorial weekend. I will talk to Loran about asking his boss as a sponsor.

Later I went with gary to the movies, we watched Battle Los Angeles.

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