Monday, March 14, 2011

Disneys Hollywood Studios

Orlando, March 14th

We went to the first Walt Disney World park, the Hollywood Studios Park. The first thing we did was going to the Rock'n'Roll Coaster, a really fast roller coaster. The best one in this park. After that we went to the Tower of Terror, the coaster is actually a elevator which stopps suddenly and falls down. Goas up and down again. And even forward!
Steffen and I bought necklaces.

Steffen bought a Mickey Mouse necklace and I a Tower of Terror dog tag

Steffen, me and my hero: Darth Maul

In this park was an American Idol Experience show. Its like American Idol, just for people in the park. The winner get's tickets for the real American Idol.
We saw the final show, Steffen and I cheered for one of the candidates so loud, that the moderator and the candidate noticed us. The singer even said we would be cute.
It's funny to be in one of the last rows and the whole audience stares at you, because the people in front of the camera are talking about you.

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