Thursday, April 7, 2011

Class Ring

Austin, April 7th

I got up very early and had already to hurry to get dressed, because the text message that Austin is on the way to pick me up came about 15 minutes earlier than usually. He still came at his nomal time. It was not much traffic and we were fast at the school. We found the locker rooms closed and had to wait until a coach came and opened them. In the meantime I had time to eat a banana to get something into my empty stomach.
I worked out with Austins brother, he has about the same max weight then I do.

Then I did my math homework until class started. Math was boring, but I had fun in football. History and english weren't really interesting either. But the ride home was fun. I talked to some of the girls infront of me. One thought she met my mom, until i told her, that she is at the other side of the world, and pretty sure not somewhere here around.

Later I went with Steffen and Daniel to Burger King and then to a pool. I think it was the very first time in my whole life that I was at Burger King. The fries are good, but the burgers not. I prefer Whataburger.

Later came a text message that my class ring came. And I LOVE it!

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