Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Taks day two

Austin, April 27th

Today the Junior have their first TAKS. I skipped the first two classes and went with Kai and Steffen to the mall. We all bought sun glasses, Kain and I bought shirts at Abercrombie & Fitch and Kai got some Jerseys and stuff at at Football Fanshop.
Then we went to school. I did not a lot in Multimedia, because I'm almost finished with my project (football poster) and were more interested in listening to music at Youtube.
In Theater we continued a movie about Broadway musicals.

After school i went with Steffen and Kai to the pool. We fought with whatever we could find there, sticks, the life belt thing, stairs, tables, shoes, whatever we could find. The big loser of today, my left flip flop. It's broken.
We also ate my HUUUGE donut. It tasted great! Kind of like Berliner.
Then we went to my house to watch Due Date.

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