Friday, April 29, 2011

Last Taks Day

Austin, April 29th

It's the last day of TAKS. I slept in again, had a late breakfast and went to school. I finished my football poster in multimedia and started to put my portfolio together.
In Football the headcoach told us they would make us run untill we die if we are late on monday morning (streching begins at 630) or have any equipment issues. In PhotoJ we watched Finding Nemo and in Theater we played an improv game outside.
It's funny, I just tried the last couple of days to figure out, how I became friends with all the girls in theater class. And Tiffany I got to know at exactly that game, when we sat at exactly the same stone wall and played exactly that game.

At around six I met Tishya and some of her Junior and Freshmen friends at the cinema. We watched Fast5 with a fight between Vin Diesel and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Great movie, but since it's part of the Fast & Furious series I think they should have shown more tuned cars and a lot more car races.
By the way, it's so cool that one of the last scenes is the Asian guy and this girl driving on a German Autobahn towards Berlin. THATS where you drive such sporty cars, in Germany on the Autobahn, were no stupid speed limits stops you from driving a sportscar like it's supposed to be driven: FAST!

On the way back from the cinema I met Steffen, Kai, Hunter and Ashley, and invited them to come to my house to watch Faster.

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