Monday, April 25, 2011

Last day before Taks

Austin, April 25th

We started our nature project in PhotoJ. We didn't have enough cameras for everyone, so Carolin and I had to share one. I'm not very sure how it happened, that she got the camera, because she told me that she already has a lot of pictures. But when she saw that I was about to get a really good camera, she suddenly was next to me, and for some reason she got the camera. Then we went outside to take pictures.

In football we had primary day, so I had receiver practice and in the end we played offense against defense. I screwed up a x-cruise. Actually pretty easy, but the last time I did it, Kyle ran into me. How Jeremiah told me last friday, it was not an accident. And I really hurt. So I wasn't totally focused and dropped the ball right after I caught it. That really sucks, I'm going to practice the cruise hard this week!

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