Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Austin, April 22

We ended the lock-in at about 7. An hour earlier than planned. Gary didn't respond when I asked him for a ride, so Naiha offered to drive me home.
I went to bed for a couple of hours, until Daphanie came. I got a HUGE donut from her. Did I ever mention that I love donuts?
Then I went to bed again. Then it was time to buy some CD's for my birthday party tonight.
Matt came about an hour early, so we went to the pool. Second was Jordan, but he had to leave very early because of some family things. Gary picked Tiffany up, because her mom is sick. Tishya couldn't stay for a long time, tool. Later came three of the football and three of the soccer team. For some reason a lot of the people who said they would come never came. I learned later that some had to work longer because of Good Friday, other were sick, weren't allowed (because of Good Friday again), test track meetings which were longer than planned and a loong row of other excuses. In addition to that many people couldn't come because of soccer, volleyball and a couple of other sport events. i think celebrating of Good Friday was not a good idea. But we still had fun.
Matt gave Tiffany later a ride home, and then they spend the next couple of days together, too.

I got from Tishya and Tiffany soooooooooo cute cards, and my absolutely favourite gift was a picture of Tiffany and me. I put it on my nightstand. I love this foto, we took it at the day after she got rid of their braces.

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