Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Show

Austin, April 15th

I got up early for the morning workout. Like almost every day, so nothing special anymore, but right when I came Coach Vincent told us, that it's sign up day for one of the basball team. That means he will get a scholar ship for a college. And the coach wanted to be a lot of guys there to watch and cheer and so it's a nice morning for this guy. And since we football player are usually some of the first students in school, we should come to that. So I went to the weight room for a little bit to do benchpressing, and then we went to Study Hall for the sign up. We were there until 20 past 8. I returned to the weight room until I remembered that school withh start at 8:45 and I need to get dressed and if possible take a shower. Unfortunately I didn't found Milton, the guy who takes care of laundry and towels. So I couldn't shower. i just washed my hair really quick, shaved, and went to class. I met some friends, but the music today was so bad, I wanted to escape to the quiet class room.
In Algebra we did TAKS practice in teams. I felt like drawing so instead of do all the math stuff, I drew little pictures and solved basicly every problem with a picture. I needed 6 pages for 28 problems, the other three guys in my group just one. I feel like I wasted a lot of paper.

Football was fun, we thro and caught balls. Plagge suggested Coach Rushing that I should get an award for the most improved player this year. Well, that easn't really hard, I knew less about football than the freshmen in the beginning of the year. And now I'm proud to say that I help the newbes in the JV team and especially the freshmen.

In history we have a new seat chart. i was looking forward to it, but now I must say, I liked me old seat better. Now I'm very close to the teacher again and can't text during class anymore.
English was alright, we presented our junior Research Project to little groups. I think i had like the leat interesting topic on my group. Maybe the second least iteresting, I don't care a lot about the war in Iraq. but torture (human beings are SOOOO sick) and plasitc surgery are very interesting. I asked the girl who presented the surgery stuff if she has anything done. She hasn't but she want's a surgery. I won't tell what, it's inappropriate and nobodys business.

When i came home, I heard the garage door closing. I thought maybe Loran came just home. Turned out, he and Gary left for a dinner at Serranos right when I came home. At least they were back in time so they could drive me back to school. I had a ticket for the Star Steppers Spring Show. It was awesome. A lot of dancing, and I knew some of the dancers. Collin, Steffen, Kai and I really enjoyed the show, but it was a little bit to long. Two hours and forty minutes!

After the show we went to the flag football game. According to the scoreboard we were losing by one point. but for some rrason we were the visitors in our own staduim! So we won by one point. I congratulated Taylor, she is not just in flag football,  but one of the student trainers as well. So I see her almost every day in the weight room or on the field when she gives us the water bottles.
Then we waited for Naiha, Steffen was mean to me, like often, that's our thing. Being mean to each other, but he is way better. But when I hear the people Steffen knows for months longer than I know them, saying I'm there favourite German, than it's absolutely worth it. 
Steffen and i make either fun of each other, or about everyone else. that's the good thing of being German, if someone annoys us, we cant make fun of them and they just know we are talking about them. A lot of people drives that crazy! 

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