Saturday, April 30, 2011

A pretty good day

Austin, April 30th

At around 2 I went with Kai, Steffen and Steve to Texas Paintball. It was the first time that nobody had to sign my waiver as 'guardian', the first time in my live that I sign something completely independent as an adult. That makes me a little proud.

And what makes me even prouder is, that my team of four people beat the other team of 9 or 10 people in the first three plays. I liked the second game best, Steffen and an random guy who was part of our team shot at Kai and the few who actually left the base to shoot at us, while I was running to their start base and eliminated one after another. In the beginning they didn't even realize what happened. All in all I shot today at least 20 guys. But when those guys who own really good high-tech paintball guns came, we had really big problems to win. It's just unfair to play against those guys who have guns who shoot 10 times faster and 20 times more precisely!

I was really happy that we played the map 'Normandy', I played the first time as defender, what actually fits better to me than attacker, because I'm one of the few real Germans there. Kai and I defended one of the dirt bunker for 7 minutes, then we were allowed to leave the hills and attack the attackers. So we cleared the closest truck and used it as protection to shoot on the last two attackers. But suddenly our own people started shooting at us. They, especially Steffens hostbrother Steve, thought we are attackers, that we were with the back to the hills and shoot on the guys at the beach they didn't realize. So we eliminated the last two attackers and had to take care that we weren't hit by friendly fire at the same time. Difficult, but we made it.
Steve seems to be worse to have in your own team than as opponent. Nothing against him as person, but he shot Steffen close distant in the arm, what left a huge bleeding spot. Later he pushed him into a flying bullet at at the last game he pushed me into a bullet. Luckily it hit me in the facemaske, the only place where it doesn't hurt. And then he made everyone of our team shooting at Kai and me. Nothing of that by purpose, but still, nothing of those actions were really helpfull.

After paintball I hurried to take a shower, bought some grapes and went to the movie night a friend of me had at her house. I was about one and a half hour late, probably a little more, but it was still nice. I wainted the fingernails of the left hand of one of the guys, or actually i painted the whole fingers. We watched two movies and talked a lot. it was a pretty nice day.

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