Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First real football practice

Austin, August 31st

Great start in the day, I missed the bus. Well I have just to walk some minutes and wait until the bus stops at the second last student load point.
The traffic was terrible, again, we need again longer than usual.
Finding my Algebra class was easy. I just had to look fo my locker, go back to the stairs in the middle of the floor and go along one of the other corridor until I find it (yes, the second of three possibilitys was it).
I'll maybe change Algerbra 2 to something more difficult, but maybe not, I will ask Jessica (one of the Germans) how the Pre-AP Algebra class is.
Steffen suggested to change my History teacher, so I will be in his class. He said his class is fun, but I have so much done for my class yet. And got once 100 Points and once 97 points. And I have so a nce spiral... hmm hard decision.

In football I had first really practica. Run some of the routes, catch the ball, run a bit more, stuff like that. In the warm up I catched every ball, but when I had to follow the routes and then catch the ball from the quarteback I failed almost every time. Almost!
In English we will have to write a poem, or better edit one, so that it fit to ourselfes. I hate that. Interpret poems is okay, In fact it's the only thing I was good in, in my last year in the Realschule in Germany. Of course it was not in the English class but in the German, but poem is poem, and I just hate to write some...

I still have to read a book for English. I don't know until when or if I have to make notes, or something else, and I have just read about 10 paiges... It's a diary of one, who saw the first flieght of the Wright brothers, and how they build their plane and stuff. Its in the language of a little boy written, so I hardly understand something.

In football practice we practiced some formations (or however they are called). I'm now really a receiver. A outside receiver. And in my very first try the quarterback throw the ball in my dirrection... to high, I couln't get it... but I got an other player. Or better, one of the defence team ran into my. And sure not by mistake =[
We crashed into each other and.. it felt not nice, he was very heavy. I was focused on the ball so I wasn't prepared to crash someone. 
But thats why I wanted to play football. It's a game with body contact. Not like the boring soccer, where half of the player run with arms in the air to just not touch a player. Damn why do they play a game against someone, when they are afraid of touching someone.
In my second turn I crashed into an other player. But that was my fault, no it was planned, the inside receiver close to me catched the ball, so I tried to block the defence. It hurts if you get a arm in the stomach. Boy I really have to take care of myself. Well the third time was best. I didn't had ball contact, but I was able to run the route I had to run, and everyone said I had done good work. It's great to hear it, when you done something right the first time and many people noticed that. But I wonder why everyone looked at me, the ball was at the other side. But here I really have to say thank you, to all the teammates who helped me today. I still don't know every formation or route, but I know now mostly what I have to do.

I had some interesting talks with some of the players. Again about what the Germans (and especially me)think about: jews, black, nazis, hitler, americans,  american girls, american food, german girls. Many of the boys I talked to want to have a date with a blue-eyed, blond German girl.
And the american girls are not happy, that we teach the players germans badwords. Okay most of them don't understand the words and phrases (and I translate it for the girls really just if I think, I should do that, for example because she was the first person in school who talked to me, or she just look noce, yeah I know I'm sometimes easy to manipulate xD ), but they knew that they say nothing nice.
Talking with football player is always funny. You just shouldn't be so serious. We had a disscussion about the moonlanding. Some said it's a fake, because the flag on the moon blows, but there is no wind. And some other stuff. 

Ah, yes, before I forget it. There were some poeple with cameras. The coch said they don't know why they are here, but they filmed my, how I give high five to one of the coaches xD

Hmm, something else...
Loran is in the Gym. I decided to make a day break, I'm tired from the football practice, and for some reason the inside of my left thigh hurts.

So, much text, no pictures, I think I'm done for today.
Oh, I just see, it's the last time that I write Austin, August ..., tomorrow is yet September xD

Monday, August 30, 2010

What a day

Austin, August 30th

At first I thought I have nothing to write, but when I think what the day over everything happened, I really just can say: What a day.

In the morning when I went to school, there was so much traffic that the bus came 10 minutes later then normal. That means I had just 5 minutes to find my class. Well, like I yesterday wrote I lost my schedule, so I run to my locker, of course it wasn't there =(
So I looked for my Spanish class. Yeah I remembered my first class. Thanks to the second school day
-I went to Spanish instead of my registration room and met there some nice guys, for example one cheerleader xD -

But I couldn't remember where the room is. I looked everywhere in ther 1st floor. Great, when I finally found a security guy he told me after some minutes that the room is in the second floor. So I came to late to Spanish. We read letters which the class last year had to write about Spanish class....

Like everyday I had football class at second. We were in the gym at first. Weights lifting. Then at the field. And then we had some minutes to do our homeworks. So I could my maths homework from last week in football class do =)

Then I looked for my multimedia room. Luckily it's in the C-Building which isn't very big, so I found it very fast. During multimedia I had Lunch. I tried the nachos, they are not so good like in the cinemas. Or in a mexican resturant.

Then back to multimedia. After that I had theater. We learnd something about theater in the ancient greek.
And after school, like every day, football practice. I got my shoulder pats and my football trousers xD
But noone was there who could tell my how to weare them. The trousers have pads, but you have first to put them into it. And the shoulder stuff is a really weird thing, I could never put them on alone. So I went half naked to the field to find someone who could help me.
And now I had my first really football practice. Runn against the dummies Yeeha. That was fun. Push the shoulder pads into the 'stomach' of the dummies. Just the ball catching didn't work really well. Without glasses I'm not able to catch a ball. Well, almost unable. I have now a route tree, the plans of the routes the player have to run and should learn them until tomorrow -.-

After practice I wrote my fist card to home. Or better to my godfather, he had birthdau last week, HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS, and I never had time to write. And when I just was writing I wrote the card for my aunt Nicole, too. Hopefully this card will be in Germany untill her birthday.
And then we worked out in the Gym again. This time abs and legs. And then sauna. I love saunas (or sanae? saunen? whats the English plural of sauna?)

By the way, it's incredible how much water I need. I take a shower before school, after football class, after football practice and after gym. 4 times a day. Und die armen Negerlein in Afrika muessen verdursten, or somehing like that said my old physics teacher always.
So now I go to sleep, good nite everyone!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gym member

Austin, August 29th

Sunday. We went to the Cowboy church again. I really like this church. It's not so big like a 'normal' church. And it's a full church. Today about 130 people. They showed a sign with this number on it. I saw it and thought it's maybe the number of the next song or something, but Loran said it was the number of people.
It was really hot outside and so I st in the car until short before the church started. Next time I have to go to the sunday school. Sonja said she missed me there xD And now she forces me to go. She will kill me she said. Why are German girls so brutal?
 I hope she doesn't bite like some other girls I know... Hmm, sunday school sounds interesting, and last week said Sonja they have free donuts =) I love donuts.
Oh and Sonja, I trained five years karate, so I know how to defend myself :-[
Thats Sonja, me and Adrian
After church Loran and I went to a Gold's Gym. Now I'm a member there and this evening we want to workout xD
The gym guy said something about gaining 15 pounds muscle until June. That sounds good. And the price is okay.

I lost my schedule. Hopefully it's in my school locker, if not I don't know when I have which class -.-

We wanted to a Gym which is open 24h a day... well just from Monday to Friday. It was closed when we were in Round Rock. So we drove back and went to a Taco Bell. Boy I remebered the food there much better... The Tacos weren't bad, but not as good as I thought. But it's 3 years ago, since I was the last time in a Taco Bell, so maybe I mix some memories xD

I go now to bed, good nite everyone

Well I wanted to go to bed, but instead of sleeping I went with Loran to another Gym...
It still feels strange to go with clothes into a sauna... Hmm I will drink my proteinshake, search my school stuff and go to bed, this time real!

PS: haha, I read the mails, Player and Casanova, thanks xD

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Austin, August 28th

Puh, finally saturday. Two days no school. I hope I don't forget all the names during weekend!

Finally I could sleep as long as I want again. But I woke up at 6am... Itired to sleep until 10, then I got up and had breakfast. First two peanutbutter & jam sandwiches, then two hotdogs. Then I played with the cats. and all this while I watched TV.
But that became boring, so went to the pool. Ahh, fresh cold water. Okay, maybe not fresh, and everywhere were leaves. But it did well. My back, my neck and my legs still hurts from the workout. But in the water I felt almost nothing. =) Why do I look forward for the next workout when everything hurts? I thought I have my masochistic phase behind me...
Hmm whatever, I got hungry and so I went hme. Ribs with corn and mashed potatoes. hmmm
And strawberries. 

After Loran came back from work we went to the cinema. Avatar - Special Edition. A nice film. I give it 6-7 from 10 points. Story was okay, the special effects just stunning... Sometimes a bit too much effects, but most of the time they worked well with the light. They shouldn't have every plant made lightening when it's be touched. (seems like a cruel sentence, but I'm sure you understand what I mean)

But much of the things in the movie seemed familar. The blue skinned Na'vi. Like the blue skinned Chiss in Star Wars. The transfer from the human body to the Avatar body looked like a travvel through a Stargate.
The horses with the six legs, hadn't the hors of Thor six legs? The cockpits of the spaceships looked a bit like the cockpits from X2-The Threat, the Aurora from Stargate Atlantis and the submarines from Disneys Atlantis. The flying mountains are like the city of the Nox in Stargate and I saw much more what looked familar. But all in all it was a nice film. And maybe I'm just a too big fan from Stargate and Star Wars to enjoy a fim without comparing it with them (the same happened when I watched WallE and some other movies...)

After cinema we went to Bone Daddys Steakhouse. Really good meat and just amazing waitresses.

I like the right girl most, raww I love red-brown hairs
To bad that the batteries from my camera were dead. I really should take some new withme when I leave the house... But luckyly Loran had his cellphone with him.

The menu design is great, isn't it? xD

I really like the outfits of them.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday. Finally

Austin, August 27th

It's finally friday. This nite is a football game. But I don't think that i will go. It's not a homegame and I'm tired. We had a hard worksout in football class. My back hurts. And my neck.
After that the coaches held a speach about what it means to be a team. They gave us this red bracelets ONE HEARTBEAT.

After school I wanted to go to the football practice but there they said, it's no trining. I met Jenni, a girl that I got known some days before and we talked. And so I missed my bus. When we hugged before she went home, another boy asked me, are you so close yet. Well I don't know how it's here, but in Germany I'm used to hug many of my  female friends, even if I don't know them so well. Then I talked to him. I think I got him known at the same time I met Jenni. But I can't remember his name. I have to know so many names. I met 3 more football player and some (girl-?)friends of them, and should now them names, then I have 6 different classes where I have to remember names and the football team. And I know maybe 20 names :-/

Whatever, this boy asked me to come once to his German class, maybe when I have time. After he was gone to I met a boy from my German class. Nick, I'm pretty sure his name is Nick. And we talked about the weather in Germany and about Steam. I think he is a 'zocker'. What that in English, Gambler?
And then Loran picked me up.
Now I can relax. I wanted to write much more, but I can't remember what. Hmm maybe another time, and if not, than it wasn't important.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First games, First victory and the line of scrimmage

Austin, August 26th

The classes were easy. I had my first Multimedia class. Again. But this time the whole time and not just the first 5 minutes.
In football class I went to the wrong field -.-
So I watched the most time the seniors, until one of the coaches told me that today the sophomores/juniors train at the other field.
We have 3 fields I think. Or at least 3 places with fields.

My lunch was during Multimedia. So I had first Mulltimedia, then lunch, then Multimedia again.
I ate with Matt, a guy from the football team. We talked about, well fottball, Germany, how I like it in Germany, that I've never eaten a Corndog. But I will do this as soon as possible. Sometimes I can get them in the cafeteria, now I just have to remember to buy it.
Then I sat down in the sun. Suddenly one girl asked me to sit to them. I had nothing better to do, and so I go to them. We talked a bit, until the bell rings. And now we are best friends xD I really don't know how I always do it, that I'm suddenly the best friend of a completely unknown girl.

After school I went to the gym. The coaches hand out the trickots. I've #34 I think. We had a tactical briefing and then we went to the field. Rangers vs Hendricks Hawks.
Someone asks me to help at the white line. They needed 3 peolpe for the line of scrimmage marker, the 10 yards marker and the down-show-thing. (You know, that thing to show if its the 1st, 2nd... down).
It was interesting. I was closer to the ball than everyone else. Of course except of the players and the referees). The coach it's good for me to do that so I can learn something about the game. Yeah, I think I understand the gae now finally. It's really time that I do. 
At the beginiing of the 4th quarter the score was 10:0. The Hawks had no chance to win during the first three quarters. But then they were very lucky. We lost 10:16... the quarterback stopped the game 11seconds before ending. We couldn't win anymore.

  "Football is the game, that is just won when it's over. In the last minute can happen everything"

But I fear thats just for European football, here better known as... soccer.
Hmm in my thoughts it sounds so much cooler... Maybe the sentence is not completely right, but something like that is in Germany said about soccer. I think, that's the reason why it's so popular there. You can win in the 90 minute, even if you are 3:1 (or more) behind. Belief me, I saw that situation.

The coach was disappionted. First game, first loss.
We all took a shower (its hard work to be the marker guy. Run over here, go to there...) and many went home.

The game was great, most of the time. But twice a player lay down with pain. The teams kneel, to show respect. Boy, that artifical grass hurst on the knee.
Steven, another newbe (but a american) told me something for the life. (A bit too late) When a player runs in your direcction, lay the scrummage marker down and RUN. When they hit you they can be injured, and worse, YOU can get injured. Especially when you are not armored. Well, the stick of the marker is now bent, but I'm okay.

 I decided to see the second game. Again against the hawks, but this time the right team (we have a red team, the seniors and sometime one, two really good juniors, and the black team, the rest).
But to decide something and do somehing are two different things. I met my 'new best friend' (I have to find out her name, but I think its somethnig like Marese hm...). (MARC I didn't know you are a football player! Yes I'm full of surprises) So I walked around and talked to her and her friends, or better, they asked me weird stuff. Have I ever seen boobs, am I virgin, do we in Germany walk naked at the street, can I speek German... what are this for questions?? Especially the "can you speak German' question I hear often. YES, I not just grown up in Germany, I speak the language too!! They say it's cute how I talk.

It's funny, my Spainish teacher say I have a Spanish accent, one of the security say I totally sound like a Texan and the girls say I talk cute, or funny, or both, everyone says something else. But they want me always to say something in German. And they want to learn badwords in German.

After they had to go I watched the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th quarter, but it was quite boring. 30:0 when I finally left and about 37:6 is the endscore. GO RANGERS 

Then I had to do homeworks until 11:30 and go to bed

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ranger Time

Austin, August 25th

Today was the first time Ranger time. That means we have a special time schedule and 30 minutes in a not counting class. I don't know exactly what the reason or sense of that is, but it's okay. We played a game in that class. You have three bollons and have to keep them in the air. The record is 25 sec. I had just 6 xD But I wasn't the worst. There were some with 5 or 4 sec.
In football training I had my first catch training.

Tomorrow is the firt football game, that means for me: stay in school until 10pm. And then do homework. But hey, I can watch the game for free!

And now I have to do homeworks again.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Austin, August 24th

No, it's not my Birthday, it's just B-day at school. Yesterday was A-day, tommorow is wednesday. Why have the wednesdays a special bell schedule? And what is RANGER TIME?
Well, I'll see it tomorrow.

I had Calculate BC AP (why don't they just say: Maths for master or something,, so everyone knows it's too hard). And I understand almost nothing. Yeah, okay, maybe a bit about limits. But I can't get along with that stupid school calculator and I don't want to buy a new one for 100$ if I have almost the same in Germany. That, and the fact that I'm too lazy for homeworks after coming home at about 7pm, made me changing class. Now I have Algebra II. Hopefully I can use there a normal cheap calculator, or the old one fram Loran. And instead of Physics C AP will I go to Theatre class. Now I think I have more or less just easy classes. It's hard enough to understand all the people around me. 
Before Spanish a cheerleader wanted me to translate "her gangster language" into German. Yo man, gangster, alright, but she tried her best to make the gangster. It was very funny.

Spanish was easy, me llamo German. No I'm serious. My name in Spanish is German. I wanted Alejandro, but Alexander asked me if he can have this name. And I mean German - spanish for warrior. It's cool, and it's eary to remember 'cause I am a German.
Okay, the Spanish name is spoken a bit different and normally there is a accent at the 'a'. But I can't find it at the american keyboard.
You have a key for / and for \, but no one for a ` over a letter. Funny Americans.
In multimedia I met a other German exchange student. But I had no time to talk to her, because I had to go to my guide counselor. And then I had suddenly multimedia not in the 8th period, but in the 7th. So I went to theater class and surprise, the was the other German girl. I think I know now all the Germans here. 

Soo, what happened today... I had football practise today, the only difference to yestersay was, that I have a helmet, shorts and a shirt now. Everything in black. The air pad in my helmet burst right before I want to try the hemlemt -.- It was a very loud bang xD
Steffen (I think the other German football player is called Steffen) ad I taught one of the coaches some important German words like Dach, Haus, Hund, Pfeife, Helm... and some players yeah, I think everyone knows what they wanted to learn...

I just checked the list for the stuff I have to buy for school. Why want the teacher kleenex boxes? Have they a cold? And a dozen of glue sticks. Hmm...
But I'm tired now and I still have homeworks to do, so I will stop here.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First school day

Austin, Augst 23th

Puh, first day behind me. In my school are 3 other German exchange students. One of them I met in the football training. But I will start at the beginning:

Schoolbus picked me up at 8am. We drove through Avery Ranch about 20 minutes and picked other students up. The bus driver, Miss Charity is nice.
After arriving school at 8:30 I tried to find my registration room. I went to 3 wrong rooms. Just because I slipped at the room list -.-
Then we waited in the room untill everyone were there. And then a bit longer. The teacher told us something about school and rules and so stuff.
Then I had Physics C AP... I understand nothing. Not because of the teacher, I just don't know any physic words in English. And then we had our first multiple choice test. Great I came until question 19 and could maybe 8 of these understand... I think I will let physics physics be and do something else. Tomorrow I will talk to me Counselor. I mean I'm not even sure if I will take physics in Germany again, so why should I do that in the USA?

Then I had football class. YES SIR! haha Gentlemen... I love it. It's kind of funny, if the coach say Sir to you. Okay, some of them say it just to remember you, that you have to say YES SIR! But I think some else are just used to say Sir and Gentlemen... Some days ago I heard a Dad say to his son YES SIR! so maybe it's normal here to say sir, who knows? 
Oh and I feeled like in a army movie or something when the coach told us: When I say anything, you say Yes Sir! no matter if you agree or it's right. If my boss comes to me and say the sky is green and the grass is blue, than is the sky green and the grass blue. And if Coach Vincent (the big boss coach) comes and say anything than it's right. Because HE is the boss and I will agree. 
Or something like that, I just remember the green sky, ble grass and Coach Vincent is the boss.
But they are all okay, some of the coaches families came from Germany, Heidelberg and Ravensburg I think. Cool hah? Why das a Texan so often say hah? But I like it, how Loran would say: it's different.

But I sweat like a... you know what. 105(!!) degrees. Without shade. I was so wet after class, and that without doing anything. I had to change jeans againt shorts. What a luck that I had my new sport shorts with me. 

Then I had US history. It was fun too. I teacher recogized that I'm a exchange student, I don't know how.. Maybe because I was the only one who didn't agreed when she asks who want to do some TAKS Exams in the end of the year. And at some other questions. I don't know what she meant so I of course didn't agree.
And in this period we had finally lunch break, THANKS GOD!!! I was sooo hungry. And of course I got lost somewhere in the huge building. But somehow I found the cafeteria. Then again US History and at last English. Here the teacher found out that I'm no american becaues I wasn't sure how my favourite meal is called in English. Btw, it's Weisswurst, (white sausages? something from bavaria) I think. I don't know, I eat ALMOST everything. 

I must be really good in talking English, because no of the teacher know immediately that I'm a foreign student. But I think some of the students must have thought I a bit silly, 'cause I had often to ask them to repeat what they said when we talked. It was funny that everyone said, sorry my fault, when I finally said that I'm German and my Englsih is not perfect... Yeah it was an interesting school day. It's always great when everyone knows you. Last year because I missed the first week (I was in hospital, so it's not my fault. Not completely, Eric wanted to do that bike tour that made me go to the hospital, but thats a story for somewhen else) and this year, well because I'm German! Nice, isn't it?

After school I went to football practice. Yeah I know I can't play, but hey, Coach said I go to the training, and I go to the training. I will be a great part of the team xD
I will probably be a Receiver. One of them ask me in what I'm good. And suggested me to get a Receiver. And to the next coach I said I want to become a receiver and the result was: I had to watch the receivers for about two hours in the sun. They had the only field without shade. D'oh! But thats okay, after I return to Germany I wont have any problems with the heat there. It will never get so hot like here.
I met one other German student! He said that one or two other Germans are in this school :-)

At 6:15 Loran brought me to a physician for the physical. Great, tomorrow I can probably start training!
But what the hmm something, want the physician find by touching my balls? Hmm whatever... I had to stay there for more than an hour and saw the physician not one minute. And I'm healthy like... yeah now I should know what phrases Americans use in such situations.

After that we eat a sub, no not at Subwys, I told ya I dislike Subways.
So now I'm here, I decidet to change physics into something easy, so I have no reason to do homeworks. Hmm Englsih I should maybe do. But that's really not much. And I have to chose a new clase.

Boy am I tired. I will go early to bed. But first I go to some other blogs and look how the other students liked thier first day in school.
And go to the pool short before it closes.
   Too late -.- it was closed yet

And then I go to bed. Good nite everybody.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Austin, August 22nd

Today we were with Sharon, Sonja and Adrian in the Maxdale Cowboy Church. It was really cool. So different from the church in Germany. I'm rarely in so full churches, exept for Christmas, then it's everywhere full, I think.
The people there are very nice. Almost every man had a cowboy hat and the pastor wore cowboy boots xD

After church we ate pizza at DoubleDave's. They had pizza with chocolate pieces on it!! I stay with salami pizza. I'm here to try new things, but chocolate pizza does not have to be tried.

In the afternoon we went to a Gold's Gym. After workout we went into the Sauna. Maybe it's just imagination, but the sauna was too cold and the shower a bit too warm. But as I said, maybe just Imagination, I haven't been in one for a long time. Something other what is a bid strange, most people -especially in the saunas for men and women together- wear clothes in a sauna. That must be terrible all the sweat at the hot clothes. But their country, their rules. As long as I can put down t-shirt and shoes (or in the men sauna everything) I wont complain.
Training was easier this time. But I have tomorrow school and so I shouldn't workout too much. (Next week football training Yippie-ki-yay!)

But the workout in the Gym made us hungry and so we were in a restaurant again. Mexican food, mjam!

Now was just our sundays house cleaning to do. But it wa now much. Clean the cats fodder cup, and the flor around there (bad Msbehaven (say it like 'Miss Behaven"), you should really learn to eat) and polish the table. After I put the laundry in my wardrope I forgot to close it... And Msbehavin loves my black shoes in it... So she jumped in. I had still the paper bag from Calvin Klein in it. Msbehavin had suddenly her head in one of the hand grips. Like a neck chain. She frightened and run out of my room. Trouble (the other cat) was frightened too and run into my room and hid himself under my bed. Msbehavin ran in the kitchen and crashed into a cupboard. Poor cat! She turned, ran again and crashed against the wall. Then she hid herself under the desk. The bag looked like a cape. Loran said it looked like batman. She recognized that she still had the bag and run away and hid herself under Lorans bed. We tried to lure her out but she was to frightened. I finally could remove the bag, but I think she is still under the bed.
Trouble was a for a time under my bed, but now he left my room. I think he is afraid for me again, because he ran away when he saw me :-(
So but now I go to my cat free bed, I have tomorrow my first school day and I wont go tired to school. That do I often enough in Germany, but here am I to learn something ;-)

Oh ver...flixt, my godfathers birthday is in two days, and I've not written him, yet... I will do it tomorrow.  

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Austin, August 21st

That was a nice day so far. We were at Daphanies little poolparty. The hot dogs and burgers were great.
And they have sooo a nice pool. And a whirlpool, but it was too hot for that.
A colleague of Daphanie and his familie were there too.
We throw little a little football and a frisbee to each other. It was really fun.


Later Loran, Daphanie and I went downtown to the University of Texas where we went into the OUR BODY - The Universe Within' exhibit. It was really cool. Subsequently we had dinner at Shady GROVE.

Friday, August 20, 2010

What a great day (version2)

Austin, August 20th

My day started like everyday since tuesday. I woke up, ate something, go to the pool.

But then I got a text message from Loran, he told me that Daphanie would leave work earlier today and would bring me to the walmart. Great, I rode home, toke a shower (that stupid chlorine everywhere) and a short time later Daphanie picked me up. At first we went to a outlet mall in Round Rock.

As far as I know are three or four exchange students in Round Rock, so 'Hey guys, how are you?'.

The outlet was great, no not great...huge!! I bought a shirt and a white lether belt from Calvin Klein. "Not cloth, darling. It's Calvin Klein." (Evelyn Harper, Two and a half men) and later in the walmart two Rangers t-shirts and school stuff.

/*Here follows a hidden part. You will see in some months why it's now hidden xD
 Thank you dad, I almost forgot that*/

Oh yeah Tim, if you read this: a huge pack 5gums for 2.88$

Later we and Loran ate in a Restaurant Burritos, thats like mexican Yufkas with rice xD

And at 7 Daphanie ad I watched football at her Appartement. Philadelphia vs Cincinnati, 9:22. Hmm I hoped Piladephia wins.

This was a great day, thank you Daphanie!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The day after Gym

Austin, August 19th

Wow, when I woke up, yea I really woke up in the morning, I can't believe it, I felt so weak. My arms were heavy, my shoulders hurt... I'm looking forward for my next training in the Gym xD

I had a big breakfast, eggs, toast, strawberrys, grapefruit, orange juice. And then I went to bed again. But just until 10 am. Then I ate again something and looked in the nearest shops for swim glasses.

Then I went to the pool. Yeah I know, it's nothing special anymore, but what should I do? I have no car to go downtown, always watching TV is boring and I know almost noone here.
And I had to try the new glasses, hadn't I?
And what should I say? It was great, the pain in my arms were gone.
Later I lay down in the sun. Bad idea, the skin of mt face is completely burnt now. I don't know why I always forget to put suncream on my face -.- But fortunately the American fridges have an ice donor. Ad the extremely cold ice is good to cool the skin xD

 But the rest of my body is okay. There I don't forget to put sun cream onto. My back I didn't reached but somewhen Mary Grace apeared and I asked her because of my back. But I really think I should look for something to do, always beeing in the chlorine water can't be healthy. By this way, I don't need any hairspray anymore. As long as I don't wash my hairs with bottled water I'm always top styled xD Without doing anything.

I happens not often that the pool is almost empty during the day 
Mary Grace in one of the pools

So, let's see, what else have I done today. Written many text messages. Maybe go to the Gym tonite.
Watched TV, yeah thats my day so far. Nothing special, but it's okay.

So after Loran returned from work we went to a Gym in Daphanies uhm, Appartement-heighborhood-area-something. After that we went with Daphanie to Popeye's. A chicken restaurant. I'm quite sure that I've heard from that popeye's chicken before in a movie, from Adam Sandler maybe? Little Nicki? Hmm..
Back to topic, the chicken there is really good. Soo, something else... Ah yes, I showed at his thermometer the difference between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. So he can imagine what I mean with very hot, 35 degrees Celsius. For those who use Celsius: 35 degrees Fahrenheit are about 1.6 degrees Celsius, so no American would say 35 degrees are hot.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ready for school

Austin, August 18th

Just a few days until school. A perfect start for a conversation. A stupit topic, but a good start.

Today I were at the pool. Not the same like yesterday, because this one is closed today.
After a while a girl entered the pool. The first one who was more or less my age. Like I yesterday wrote, ther live many people with little children. About ten were it today.
Back to that girl (yeah its stupid to write just about a girl I don't really know, but it was the only thing that differentiated this day from yesterday), she jumped sometimes in the pool, swum a bit, go out agin and lay in the sun, while I swum and swum. Sometimes go out and lay down. Suddenly she sat down at the pool edge, feet in the water. So my big chance to get someone know before school starts.
I don't know if you ever been in an American high school. But if, you will maybe know how bad it is to sit during lunch period alone in the cafeteria. I'm not  sharp on it to make this experience.

 So I thought, how to start conversation. I had no idea and so I just jump into the water, swum a line under the water (damn it burns in the eyes, I really should buy swimm glasses) and, yeah, did nothing (stupid stupid stupid, in Germany I'm seldom so shy to same aged people -.-). So I stand in the water, she sat about one meter away from me. Nothing happened.
Than I jumped out of the water and sat down at the edge. So we were both sitting there and watching the little boys try to impress the little girls. And their mommys.
Again I was thinking about what to say, I just want to ask if she is often here or if she know where I can buy swimm glasses, I couldn't decide and I had no coin to flip (why do I always flip a coin or use a counting rhyme? Hmm because it's the easiest way to decide something I think), whatever in just that moment she looks to me and asks: "Ready for school?"
Yay I hadn't to ask a stupid question, but she started our conversation (is there an other word for conversation?) with somethig easy like "Ready for school?"
We talked about school (booring) a bit about me (yea better) and a bit about her (best), but just the normal stuff, "what's your name", "what languages do you speak" "where are you from". She is also new here, she comes from Lousianna and goes to the 10th grade. To the same school like me. Great!
But after a while her mom cames and picked her up. Goodbye Mary Grace!

A short time later I went home too. I was hungry. So I had a taco and rice, ride my bike to the walgreens shop and discovered the hood.

So thats my day so far. I think I will grap a snack (ham salad and crackers, thats sound ineresting) and ride to the pool. And look how the houses there look like.

Greens, the Name of the Neighborhood I life into

The Avery Ranch Neighborhoods have aYard of the Month Competition, that's crazy isn't it?

Tomorrow I'm sooo dead. After dinner, Spaghetti =), we went to the Gym. Oh my Gosh, after half an hour I couldn't move my arms anymore. But no chance to stop. Over an hour hard cyrcle training and then 15 minutes running as cooldown. And the protein drink tastes soo bad. I need water. Much water. Very much water.
I'm so glad thatt I have no school tomorrow. I think I will sleep until 10 am, have a huge breakfast and go to the pool. No first I will look for a swimm glass, then to pool. I'm too tired to make somethink to eat anymore, I hope I will reach my teeth with the toothbrush.
Enough complained, I had fun at the pool and in the gym, no matter how much it hurts now, tomorrow it will be worse, so I should be happy that I had so a great day. Good nite everybody, in about five minutes I will be in the bed and fell asleep.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My first day alone

Austin, August 17th

Loran had to work today, Gary is still in Michigan. I'm alone with two cats...  I'm sitting at the computer and copy the diary from the homepage to the blog. But now I ready and I think I will eat something and go to the pool... if I find it.  Yeah I think I will do that now.
Its quite hot here, but the water in the pool is cool. I've met some people there, I think in this neighborhood live many families with little children.

The poolwater tastes bad, but its to swim in and not to drink, so its my own fauld I I can't close my mouth.
By this way, wha are the Americans doing in the tap water? In Spain its chlorine in it, here too? Its unusual for someone who is grown up in a country where you can drink the water from the tap and the shower. But I will get accustomed to, thats why I'm here.
Okay, I've been again in the pool and my eyes burn like hell :x

After Loran returned from working we were going to eat Mexican. It was good. But I had too many snacks and so I haven't eat much. But now I wont have to cook tomorow, I can eat the rest of the Tacos =)

Before I forget it, I'll become a RANGER. Today I got an email from the football choach, he said I can join the team. Isn't that great?? Okay I don't know the rules exactly and I've played it just once, but with hard training I will surely become a good player ;-)
I was so happy that I nearly forget that I will go to the 11th grade (yes I know, its stupid to be so sadly about this...) but then I saw a hughe car with "senior 11" on its back. Loran tried to hide it (he's funny guy) but I've seen it yet...

We went to some stores to find a Rangers shirt, but we found none. Maybe I can buy some at school. And one of this cool football jackets.
                                                                        GO RANGERS

Monday, August 16, 2010

My new school

Austin, August 16th

The day started great.
After Sharon left yesterday, I thought it's time to start my online diary- before I forget everything.
Then Loran and I watched TV, Repa, a very funny sitcom.

At about 11 pm we decided to go to the pool. But the closest two pools were closed and the other three will sure be closed, too.

About 11:40 pm we went to Lake Trevis (a lake can't be closed I hoped) and we swum there until 1:15 am. It was really great. No boats who created waves, much place, beautiful stars, AND extremely warm water!!

At 1:50 am we had a little snack, ravioli, and then I went to bed.

I slept until 10 am. At 12:20 pm my new cellphone came. Ca. 26 hours and 40 minutes earlier than they in the shop said. But I don't want to complain, the cellphone is great.

Then I decided tha I will delete my homepage and start a blog. It needed soooo much time to upload one picture but completely without pictures th HP is boring.
First I wasn't sure if I should make a new HP at n other provider or a blog, like so many other exchange students. But than I remembered my decision helper: the coin. Head a HP, number a blog (in fact I had no coin and so I take my old cellphone, but the result is the same, I have now a blog).

At 1 am I had to register myself at my new school, the Vista Ridge High School. There I had to wait >>3<< hours for the counselor. I took some interesting curses. But here comes the part which ruins my day: I will go to the 11th grade. G*****n it! In Germany I would go to the 12th grade now, why not in America too? In addition, one of the main reasos I wanted to make this High School Year was that I wanted to graduate. Go to the prom, and the whole stuff. D'oh!

Then we were hungry and went to the MacDonalds, the Strwberry Fanta tastes.... different. The fries and the BicMac tasted like everywhere.

After eating we activated the cellphone and went to the mall and Loran showed my his working place at the dentist. His colleague are really nice.

Then we visited the Gold's Gym. Maybe I will get a member there. It's really cool stuff inside.

At 9:90 pm we went to the pool, Loran think they close the key card reader thing at the door at 10 so we couldn't go inside the day before. The water was okay, not as warm as the lake, but okay to swim. It was very funny there.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Austin, August 15th

It's sunday. Cleaning day. Loran and I tidied up the house.

My host familiy doesn't go to church... maybe will I, later, when I know where a church is.

Sharon, my Local Coordinator from CIEE, comes in a few minutes. Now fast shave, *&$% I cut myself. How can someone be so stupit and cut themself at something easy like shaving?? Hopefully it will stop bleeding until Sharon comes. Ding dong, she's here, together with her host children, one from Spain and one of them, Sonja, is a German. And what a miracle, she cames from the region of Hamburg, at least she flew from Hamburg to Frankfurt so I think she cames from somewhere there (I like her blog, it's really well done. I should ask her if I can link it with my blog). By this way, why is she flew from Frankfurt and I from the stupit Duesseldorf??

She likes the cowboy boot lamp in my room, too =)

The boy from Spain, I've forget his name, wants to play football, just like me xD maybe will someday play against each other. Oh there occurs to me, I have to learn the football rules.

They three are really nice, I look forward to the party Sharon plans.
I have nothing to do, actually I wanted to go to one of the pools, but then I decidet to start my website. I wanted to do this in Germany yet, but I never had time.

If I have time I will create an own design for this site, the standart design is soo boring. But at first I want to have a few pages and add some pictures.

Wow Loran is really great, first he brought me a sandwich and now selfmade cookies, he is so nice.

Later we went Downtown. Have you ever heard of the millions of bats in Austin? I read about it about one year ago in the "GMX news" (my email provider). And today I saw them. More or less. It was pretty dark and the bats are damned fast. In the flashlight of the cameras you sometime saw thousands of them, sometimes you saw noone.

I took hundreds of pictures, but this is the best one 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

First whole day in Texas

Austin, August 14th

Loran and I were at the Lake Travis today. I was so hot. More than 100 degrees.

But it was fun. The water was warm, the sun hot, the meal good ( I made sandwiches) But now I have a sunburn, and I'm very brown. More brown than before at least.

That was the boat. It's really fun to jump from the top of the boat.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday 13th

Somewhere over the rainbow, August 13th

The flight was quite boring. Nothing special happened. My friends in Germany and me always made fun of a danger of flying at "Friday 13th", aircraft crash, hijacking and so on. But friday the 13th have always been my lucky day. And so nothing happened xD

My host dad Loren and his friend Daphanie picked me up from the airport. We were eating at Rudys, a really cool restaurant.

The house is great, and in my bedroon I have a really cool cowboy boot lamp. And I have an own bathroom, one of this huge wardropes, and on tuesday I get a cellphone. And Loran makes great meals.

Thats the four families house we live in. The right one is ours.

I called Gary, my other host dad, he will come to Austin in September.

It is soo hot here.

Der Flug war ziehmlich langweilig. Nix besonderes passiert. In Deutschland haben wir uns drueber lustig gemacht das ich am Freitag dem 13ten fliege. Aber nix passiert, kein zusammenstoss, keine Flugzeugentfuehrung, wir sind nichtmal zu speat angekommen. Im gegenteil, ich glaub wir sind sogar etwas zu frueh da gewesen. Naja, Freitag der 13te war eingentlich immer ein Glueckstag fuehr mich, also lief alles gut.

Mein Gastvater Loran und seine Freundin Daphanie holten mich vom Flughafen ab. Wir waren bei Rudy's essen, das ist ein echt cooles Western Restaurant.

Das Haus ist toll. Und in meinem Zimmer habe ich eine echt coole Cowboystiefellampe. Ich hab ein eigenes Badezimmer, einen von diesen riesigen Kleiderschraenken (da wuerden alle meine Sachen inklusive mir reinpassen und er wuerde immer noch leer aussehen). Am Dienstag krieg ich ein Handy xD
Und Loran kocht echt klasse!
This will be a great year, I feel it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Six Flags

We had to get up early, breakfast we had in a restaurant. In the bus I sat beside Lisa a girl from Hamburg I think. In the restaurant I sat beside three other girls from Hamburg, I belife every second German girl comes from Hamburg.

Six Flags was cool. But I drove just 3 rollercoasters =( to less time...
For the first coaster we had to wait about 2 and a half hours -.-

While we drove back I played Mau Mau with Lisa. I always lost. She haven't talked to me for the rest of the drive, maybe she thought I let her win every time... but Lisa, I have never won this game before, as far as I know. and maybe I will never win this game, if I see you again we will play an other game, and then I will win. At least one time!!

Later I watched X-Man until 1 am. Then I really had to sleep, because I had to leave the hotel at 3 am. I sat in the hotel lobby since 2 am. I was soooo tired, why I never sleep before flying?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New York

Newark, August 11th

Today we made a bus trip through New York.

I had the first time breakfast from the Subway. I really don't understand why everyone likes the Subway so much, the Sandwich is really not so good as that I will ever spend so much money for one of them.

New York is great, and huge. First we were at the Empire State Building. By this way, why it's called Empire State? The USA have never been an Empire! Then we saw Harlem and different Hotels where some Stars live. Thats really cool, I whished we had saw some of them. But I fear I wouldn't recognize them even if they wuold dance in slips on a taxi. I really have no idea who they are, maybe I should watch more TV to learn something about the "stars". But not this year. the VIPs can wait, first I want to see and learn as much as possible about the USA.

When we were on a boat to the Statue of Libery the batteries of my camera goes dead. I have just a few pictures from the second half of the trip =(

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The big flight

Steinen August 10th.

I wake um at 3am German time. I've slept about 2hours. I have one more hour until I have to go to the Airport of Stuttgart.

About 7 o'clock. I've checked in, of course not without problems. The stupit self-check-in computer didn't recognize my ticket...

Later... I'm sitting in the airplane. I try to sleep.

The four other guys from Stuttgart or the region and me are sitting at the gate for the flight to Newark. A sixth guy comes, Moritz from Hamburg.

Much later... I'm sitting in the airplane to Newark. We will need about 8 hours, enough time for two or three movies. We are flying over Scotland, Greenland, Canada and finally land at Newark. From here we go to the Sheraton Airport Hotel.

I have a room in the 9th floor, together with rene from somewhere in North Germany and Tilo, an Ossi (someone from East-Germany). They are nice.

We have a room for two people with a folding bed. We are three nights here so we will change beds every day. I have the folding bed at first.

Ich bin um 3 Uhr morgens aufgewacht. Ich hab grade mal 2h geschlafen -.- In einer stunde gehts los zum Flughafen Stuttgart.

Gegen 7 Uhr. Ich habe eingecheckt, natuerlich nicht ohnr irgendwelche Probleme mit dem self-check-in Automaten. Das bloede Teil hat mein online-ticket nicht erkannt...

Irgendwann spaeter... Ich sitze im Flugzeug und versuche zu schlafen. Ich sitze am Fenster und hab kaum Platz, drecks Inlandsfluege!

Ich sitze mit den vier anderen aus Stuttgart und region (naja eine aus Ulm, nicht unbedingt Umgebung von Stuttgart, aber man will ja nicht kleinlich sein xD) am Gate fuer den Flug nach Newark. Eine sechste Person kommt, Moritz aus Hamburg.

Viel spaeter... Ich sitze im Flugzeug nach Newark. Wir werden rund 8h brauchen, genug Zeit fear zwei oder drei Filme (wenn jeder n eigenen Bildschirm hat, sind Trans-Atlantik Fluege was tolles. Damn ich wollte doch n Foto von der Fluginfo machen. Man bin ich doof)
Wir fliegen ueber Schottland, Groenland, Kanada unde endleich landen wir in Newark. Von hier aus gehts weiter zum Sheraton Airport Hotel.

Ich hab ein Zimmer im 9ten Stockwerk. Zusammen mit Rene aus irgendwo in Norddeutschland und Tilo, ein Ossi xD  Die beiden sind ganz okay.
Wir haben ein Zweierzimmer (wobei von den Betten her koennten es glatt Viererzimmer sein) und ein Klappbett. Drei Naechte, drei Personen => jeder darf mal auf dem Klappbett schlafen. I habe die Ehre erster zu sein.
Die Betten haben 5!! Kopfkissen, naja da das Klappbett kein Kissen hat ham wir die Kissen fair aufgeteilt, Tilo hat vier, Rene 3, ich 1 und die anderen beiden liegen neben dem Klappbett auf dem Boden, wer braucht so viele Kissen? (Spaete ergaenzung, mein Bett in Texas hat >>7<< Kissen, aber wie gesagt, ich brauch nur eins und Nachts liegen die anderen irgendwo rum, wo halt grad Platz ist.)