Sunday, August 22, 2010


Austin, August 22nd

Today we were with Sharon, Sonja and Adrian in the Maxdale Cowboy Church. It was really cool. So different from the church in Germany. I'm rarely in so full churches, exept for Christmas, then it's everywhere full, I think.
The people there are very nice. Almost every man had a cowboy hat and the pastor wore cowboy boots xD

After church we ate pizza at DoubleDave's. They had pizza with chocolate pieces on it!! I stay with salami pizza. I'm here to try new things, but chocolate pizza does not have to be tried.

In the afternoon we went to a Gold's Gym. After workout we went into the Sauna. Maybe it's just imagination, but the sauna was too cold and the shower a bit too warm. But as I said, maybe just Imagination, I haven't been in one for a long time. Something other what is a bid strange, most people -especially in the saunas for men and women together- wear clothes in a sauna. That must be terrible all the sweat at the hot clothes. But their country, their rules. As long as I can put down t-shirt and shoes (or in the men sauna everything) I wont complain.
Training was easier this time. But I have tomorrow school and so I shouldn't workout too much. (Next week football training Yippie-ki-yay!)

But the workout in the Gym made us hungry and so we were in a restaurant again. Mexican food, mjam!

Now was just our sundays house cleaning to do. But it wa now much. Clean the cats fodder cup, and the flor around there (bad Msbehaven (say it like 'Miss Behaven"), you should really learn to eat) and polish the table. After I put the laundry in my wardrope I forgot to close it... And Msbehavin loves my black shoes in it... So she jumped in. I had still the paper bag from Calvin Klein in it. Msbehavin had suddenly her head in one of the hand grips. Like a neck chain. She frightened and run out of my room. Trouble (the other cat) was frightened too and run into my room and hid himself under my bed. Msbehavin ran in the kitchen and crashed into a cupboard. Poor cat! She turned, ran again and crashed against the wall. Then she hid herself under the desk. The bag looked like a cape. Loran said it looked like batman. She recognized that she still had the bag and run away and hid herself under Lorans bed. We tried to lure her out but she was to frightened. I finally could remove the bag, but I think she is still under the bed.
Trouble was a for a time under my bed, but now he left my room. I think he is afraid for me again, because he ran away when he saw me :-(
So but now I go to my cat free bed, I have tomorrow my first school day and I wont go tired to school. That do I often enough in Germany, but here am I to learn something ;-)

Oh ver...flixt, my godfathers birthday is in two days, and I've not written him, yet... I will do it tomorrow.  

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