Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First real football practice

Austin, August 31st

Great start in the day, I missed the bus. Well I have just to walk some minutes and wait until the bus stops at the second last student load point.
The traffic was terrible, again, we need again longer than usual.
Finding my Algebra class was easy. I just had to look fo my locker, go back to the stairs in the middle of the floor and go along one of the other corridor until I find it (yes, the second of three possibilitys was it).
I'll maybe change Algerbra 2 to something more difficult, but maybe not, I will ask Jessica (one of the Germans) how the Pre-AP Algebra class is.
Steffen suggested to change my History teacher, so I will be in his class. He said his class is fun, but I have so much done for my class yet. And got once 100 Points and once 97 points. And I have so a nce spiral... hmm hard decision.

In football I had first really practica. Run some of the routes, catch the ball, run a bit more, stuff like that. In the warm up I catched every ball, but when I had to follow the routes and then catch the ball from the quarteback I failed almost every time. Almost!
In English we will have to write a poem, or better edit one, so that it fit to ourselfes. I hate that. Interpret poems is okay, In fact it's the only thing I was good in, in my last year in the Realschule in Germany. Of course it was not in the English class but in the German, but poem is poem, and I just hate to write some...

I still have to read a book for English. I don't know until when or if I have to make notes, or something else, and I have just read about 10 paiges... It's a diary of one, who saw the first flieght of the Wright brothers, and how they build their plane and stuff. Its in the language of a little boy written, so I hardly understand something.

In football practice we practiced some formations (or however they are called). I'm now really a receiver. A outside receiver. And in my very first try the quarterback throw the ball in my dirrection... to high, I couln't get it... but I got an other player. Or better, one of the defence team ran into my. And sure not by mistake =[
We crashed into each other and.. it felt not nice, he was very heavy. I was focused on the ball so I wasn't prepared to crash someone. 
But thats why I wanted to play football. It's a game with body contact. Not like the boring soccer, where half of the player run with arms in the air to just not touch a player. Damn why do they play a game against someone, when they are afraid of touching someone.
In my second turn I crashed into an other player. But that was my fault, no it was planned, the inside receiver close to me catched the ball, so I tried to block the defence. It hurts if you get a arm in the stomach. Boy I really have to take care of myself. Well the third time was best. I didn't had ball contact, but I was able to run the route I had to run, and everyone said I had done good work. It's great to hear it, when you done something right the first time and many people noticed that. But I wonder why everyone looked at me, the ball was at the other side. But here I really have to say thank you, to all the teammates who helped me today. I still don't know every formation or route, but I know now mostly what I have to do.

I had some interesting talks with some of the players. Again about what the Germans (and especially me)think about: jews, black, nazis, hitler, americans,  american girls, american food, german girls. Many of the boys I talked to want to have a date with a blue-eyed, blond German girl.
And the american girls are not happy, that we teach the players germans badwords. Okay most of them don't understand the words and phrases (and I translate it for the girls really just if I think, I should do that, for example because she was the first person in school who talked to me, or she just look noce, yeah I know I'm sometimes easy to manipulate xD ), but they knew that they say nothing nice.
Talking with football player is always funny. You just shouldn't be so serious. We had a disscussion about the moonlanding. Some said it's a fake, because the flag on the moon blows, but there is no wind. And some other stuff. 

Ah, yes, before I forget it. There were some poeple with cameras. The coch said they don't know why they are here, but they filmed my, how I give high five to one of the coaches xD

Hmm, something else...
Loran is in the Gym. I decided to make a day break, I'm tired from the football practice, and for some reason the inside of my left thigh hurts.

So, much text, no pictures, I think I'm done for today.
Oh, I just see, it's the last time that I write Austin, August ..., tomorrow is yet September xD

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