Monday, August 23, 2010

First school day

Austin, Augst 23th

Puh, first day behind me. In my school are 3 other German exchange students. One of them I met in the football training. But I will start at the beginning:

Schoolbus picked me up at 8am. We drove through Avery Ranch about 20 minutes and picked other students up. The bus driver, Miss Charity is nice.
After arriving school at 8:30 I tried to find my registration room. I went to 3 wrong rooms. Just because I slipped at the room list -.-
Then we waited in the room untill everyone were there. And then a bit longer. The teacher told us something about school and rules and so stuff.
Then I had Physics C AP... I understand nothing. Not because of the teacher, I just don't know any physic words in English. And then we had our first multiple choice test. Great I came until question 19 and could maybe 8 of these understand... I think I will let physics physics be and do something else. Tomorrow I will talk to me Counselor. I mean I'm not even sure if I will take physics in Germany again, so why should I do that in the USA?

Then I had football class. YES SIR! haha Gentlemen... I love it. It's kind of funny, if the coach say Sir to you. Okay, some of them say it just to remember you, that you have to say YES SIR! But I think some else are just used to say Sir and Gentlemen... Some days ago I heard a Dad say to his son YES SIR! so maybe it's normal here to say sir, who knows? 
Oh and I feeled like in a army movie or something when the coach told us: When I say anything, you say Yes Sir! no matter if you agree or it's right. If my boss comes to me and say the sky is green and the grass is blue, than is the sky green and the grass blue. And if Coach Vincent (the big boss coach) comes and say anything than it's right. Because HE is the boss and I will agree. 
Or something like that, I just remember the green sky, ble grass and Coach Vincent is the boss.
But they are all okay, some of the coaches families came from Germany, Heidelberg and Ravensburg I think. Cool hah? Why das a Texan so often say hah? But I like it, how Loran would say: it's different.

But I sweat like a... you know what. 105(!!) degrees. Without shade. I was so wet after class, and that without doing anything. I had to change jeans againt shorts. What a luck that I had my new sport shorts with me. 

Then I had US history. It was fun too. I teacher recogized that I'm a exchange student, I don't know how.. Maybe because I was the only one who didn't agreed when she asks who want to do some TAKS Exams in the end of the year. And at some other questions. I don't know what she meant so I of course didn't agree.
And in this period we had finally lunch break, THANKS GOD!!! I was sooo hungry. And of course I got lost somewhere in the huge building. But somehow I found the cafeteria. Then again US History and at last English. Here the teacher found out that I'm no american becaues I wasn't sure how my favourite meal is called in English. Btw, it's Weisswurst, (white sausages? something from bavaria) I think. I don't know, I eat ALMOST everything. 

I must be really good in talking English, because no of the teacher know immediately that I'm a foreign student. But I think some of the students must have thought I a bit silly, 'cause I had often to ask them to repeat what they said when we talked. It was funny that everyone said, sorry my fault, when I finally said that I'm German and my Englsih is not perfect... Yeah it was an interesting school day. It's always great when everyone knows you. Last year because I missed the first week (I was in hospital, so it's not my fault. Not completely, Eric wanted to do that bike tour that made me go to the hospital, but thats a story for somewhen else) and this year, well because I'm German! Nice, isn't it?

After school I went to football practice. Yeah I know I can't play, but hey, Coach said I go to the training, and I go to the training. I will be a great part of the team xD
I will probably be a Receiver. One of them ask me in what I'm good. And suggested me to get a Receiver. And to the next coach I said I want to become a receiver and the result was: I had to watch the receivers for about two hours in the sun. They had the only field without shade. D'oh! But thats okay, after I return to Germany I wont have any problems with the heat there. It will never get so hot like here.
I met one other German student! He said that one or two other Germans are in this school :-)

At 6:15 Loran brought me to a physician for the physical. Great, tomorrow I can probably start training!
But what the hmm something, want the physician find by touching my balls? Hmm whatever... I had to stay there for more than an hour and saw the physician not one minute. And I'm healthy like... yeah now I should know what phrases Americans use in such situations.

After that we eat a sub, no not at Subwys, I told ya I dislike Subways.
So now I'm here, I decidet to change physics into something easy, so I have no reason to do homeworks. Hmm Englsih I should maybe do. But that's really not much. And I have to chose a new clase.

Boy am I tired. I will go early to bed. But first I go to some other blogs and look how the other students liked thier first day in school.
And go to the pool short before it closes.
   Too late -.- it was closed yet

And then I go to bed. Good nite everybody.

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