Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday. Finally

Austin, August 27th

It's finally friday. This nite is a football game. But I don't think that i will go. It's not a homegame and I'm tired. We had a hard worksout in football class. My back hurts. And my neck.
After that the coaches held a speach about what it means to be a team. They gave us this red bracelets ONE HEARTBEAT.

After school I wanted to go to the football practice but there they said, it's no trining. I met Jenni, a girl that I got known some days before and we talked. And so I missed my bus. When we hugged before she went home, another boy asked me, are you so close yet. Well I don't know how it's here, but in Germany I'm used to hug many of my  female friends, even if I don't know them so well. Then I talked to him. I think I got him known at the same time I met Jenni. But I can't remember his name. I have to know so many names. I met 3 more football player and some (girl-?)friends of them, and should now them names, then I have 6 different classes where I have to remember names and the football team. And I know maybe 20 names :-/

Whatever, this boy asked me to come once to his German class, maybe when I have time. After he was gone to I met a boy from my German class. Nick, I'm pretty sure his name is Nick. And we talked about the weather in Germany and about Steam. I think he is a 'zocker'. What that in English, Gambler?
And then Loran picked me up.
Now I can relax. I wanted to write much more, but I can't remember what. Hmm maybe another time, and if not, than it wasn't important.

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