Thursday, August 26, 2010

First games, First victory and the line of scrimmage

Austin, August 26th

The classes were easy. I had my first Multimedia class. Again. But this time the whole time and not just the first 5 minutes.
In football class I went to the wrong field -.-
So I watched the most time the seniors, until one of the coaches told me that today the sophomores/juniors train at the other field.
We have 3 fields I think. Or at least 3 places with fields.

My lunch was during Multimedia. So I had first Mulltimedia, then lunch, then Multimedia again.
I ate with Matt, a guy from the football team. We talked about, well fottball, Germany, how I like it in Germany, that I've never eaten a Corndog. But I will do this as soon as possible. Sometimes I can get them in the cafeteria, now I just have to remember to buy it.
Then I sat down in the sun. Suddenly one girl asked me to sit to them. I had nothing better to do, and so I go to them. We talked a bit, until the bell rings. And now we are best friends xD I really don't know how I always do it, that I'm suddenly the best friend of a completely unknown girl.

After school I went to the gym. The coaches hand out the trickots. I've #34 I think. We had a tactical briefing and then we went to the field. Rangers vs Hendricks Hawks.
Someone asks me to help at the white line. They needed 3 peolpe for the line of scrimmage marker, the 10 yards marker and the down-show-thing. (You know, that thing to show if its the 1st, 2nd... down).
It was interesting. I was closer to the ball than everyone else. Of course except of the players and the referees). The coach it's good for me to do that so I can learn something about the game. Yeah, I think I understand the gae now finally. It's really time that I do. 
At the beginiing of the 4th quarter the score was 10:0. The Hawks had no chance to win during the first three quarters. But then they were very lucky. We lost 10:16... the quarterback stopped the game 11seconds before ending. We couldn't win anymore.

  "Football is the game, that is just won when it's over. In the last minute can happen everything"

But I fear thats just for European football, here better known as... soccer.
Hmm in my thoughts it sounds so much cooler... Maybe the sentence is not completely right, but something like that is in Germany said about soccer. I think, that's the reason why it's so popular there. You can win in the 90 minute, even if you are 3:1 (or more) behind. Belief me, I saw that situation.

The coach was disappionted. First game, first loss.
We all took a shower (its hard work to be the marker guy. Run over here, go to there...) and many went home.

The game was great, most of the time. But twice a player lay down with pain. The teams kneel, to show respect. Boy, that artifical grass hurst on the knee.
Steven, another newbe (but a american) told me something for the life. (A bit too late) When a player runs in your direcction, lay the scrummage marker down and RUN. When they hit you they can be injured, and worse, YOU can get injured. Especially when you are not armored. Well, the stick of the marker is now bent, but I'm okay.

 I decided to see the second game. Again against the hawks, but this time the right team (we have a red team, the seniors and sometime one, two really good juniors, and the black team, the rest).
But to decide something and do somehing are two different things. I met my 'new best friend' (I have to find out her name, but I think its somethnig like Marese hm...). (MARC I didn't know you are a football player! Yes I'm full of surprises) So I walked around and talked to her and her friends, or better, they asked me weird stuff. Have I ever seen boobs, am I virgin, do we in Germany walk naked at the street, can I speek German... what are this for questions?? Especially the "can you speak German' question I hear often. YES, I not just grown up in Germany, I speak the language too!! They say it's cute how I talk.

It's funny, my Spainish teacher say I have a Spanish accent, one of the security say I totally sound like a Texan and the girls say I talk cute, or funny, or both, everyone says something else. But they want me always to say something in German. And they want to learn badwords in German.

After they had to go I watched the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th quarter, but it was quite boring. 30:0 when I finally left and about 37:6 is the endscore. GO RANGERS 

Then I had to do homeworks until 11:30 and go to bed

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