Monday, August 30, 2010

What a day

Austin, August 30th

At first I thought I have nothing to write, but when I think what the day over everything happened, I really just can say: What a day.

In the morning when I went to school, there was so much traffic that the bus came 10 minutes later then normal. That means I had just 5 minutes to find my class. Well, like I yesterday wrote I lost my schedule, so I run to my locker, of course it wasn't there =(
So I looked for my Spanish class. Yeah I remembered my first class. Thanks to the second school day
-I went to Spanish instead of my registration room and met there some nice guys, for example one cheerleader xD -

But I couldn't remember where the room is. I looked everywhere in ther 1st floor. Great, when I finally found a security guy he told me after some minutes that the room is in the second floor. So I came to late to Spanish. We read letters which the class last year had to write about Spanish class....

Like everyday I had football class at second. We were in the gym at first. Weights lifting. Then at the field. And then we had some minutes to do our homeworks. So I could my maths homework from last week in football class do =)

Then I looked for my multimedia room. Luckily it's in the C-Building which isn't very big, so I found it very fast. During multimedia I had Lunch. I tried the nachos, they are not so good like in the cinemas. Or in a mexican resturant.

Then back to multimedia. After that I had theater. We learnd something about theater in the ancient greek.
And after school, like every day, football practice. I got my shoulder pats and my football trousers xD
But noone was there who could tell my how to weare them. The trousers have pads, but you have first to put them into it. And the shoulder stuff is a really weird thing, I could never put them on alone. So I went half naked to the field to find someone who could help me.
And now I had my first really football practice. Runn against the dummies Yeeha. That was fun. Push the shoulder pads into the 'stomach' of the dummies. Just the ball catching didn't work really well. Without glasses I'm not able to catch a ball. Well, almost unable. I have now a route tree, the plans of the routes the player have to run and should learn them until tomorrow -.-

After practice I wrote my fist card to home. Or better to my godfather, he had birthdau last week, HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS, and I never had time to write. And when I just was writing I wrote the card for my aunt Nicole, too. Hopefully this card will be in Germany untill her birthday.
And then we worked out in the Gym again. This time abs and legs. And then sauna. I love saunas (or sanae? saunen? whats the English plural of sauna?)

By the way, it's incredible how much water I need. I take a shower before school, after football class, after football practice and after gym. 4 times a day. Und die armen Negerlein in Afrika muessen verdursten, or somehing like that said my old physics teacher always.
So now I go to sleep, good nite everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Lad` doch Deinen Stundenplan auf´s Handy ... .
