Friday, August 20, 2010

What a great day (version2)

Austin, August 20th

My day started like everyday since tuesday. I woke up, ate something, go to the pool.

But then I got a text message from Loran, he told me that Daphanie would leave work earlier today and would bring me to the walmart. Great, I rode home, toke a shower (that stupid chlorine everywhere) and a short time later Daphanie picked me up. At first we went to a outlet mall in Round Rock.

As far as I know are three or four exchange students in Round Rock, so 'Hey guys, how are you?'.

The outlet was great, no not great...huge!! I bought a shirt and a white lether belt from Calvin Klein. "Not cloth, darling. It's Calvin Klein." (Evelyn Harper, Two and a half men) and later in the walmart two Rangers t-shirts and school stuff.

/*Here follows a hidden part. You will see in some months why it's now hidden xD
 Thank you dad, I almost forgot that*/

Oh yeah Tim, if you read this: a huge pack 5gums for 2.88$

Later we and Loran ate in a Restaurant Burritos, thats like mexican Yufkas with rice xD

And at 7 Daphanie ad I watched football at her Appartement. Philadelphia vs Cincinnati, 9:22. Hmm I hoped Piladephia wins.

This was a great day, thank you Daphanie!

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