Thursday, August 19, 2010

The day after Gym

Austin, August 19th

Wow, when I woke up, yea I really woke up in the morning, I can't believe it, I felt so weak. My arms were heavy, my shoulders hurt... I'm looking forward for my next training in the Gym xD

I had a big breakfast, eggs, toast, strawberrys, grapefruit, orange juice. And then I went to bed again. But just until 10 am. Then I ate again something and looked in the nearest shops for swim glasses.

Then I went to the pool. Yeah I know, it's nothing special anymore, but what should I do? I have no car to go downtown, always watching TV is boring and I know almost noone here.
And I had to try the new glasses, hadn't I?
And what should I say? It was great, the pain in my arms were gone.
Later I lay down in the sun. Bad idea, the skin of mt face is completely burnt now. I don't know why I always forget to put suncream on my face -.- But fortunately the American fridges have an ice donor. Ad the extremely cold ice is good to cool the skin xD

 But the rest of my body is okay. There I don't forget to put sun cream onto. My back I didn't reached but somewhen Mary Grace apeared and I asked her because of my back. But I really think I should look for something to do, always beeing in the chlorine water can't be healthy. By this way, I don't need any hairspray anymore. As long as I don't wash my hairs with bottled water I'm always top styled xD Without doing anything.

I happens not often that the pool is almost empty during the day 
Mary Grace in one of the pools

So, let's see, what else have I done today. Written many text messages. Maybe go to the Gym tonite.
Watched TV, yeah thats my day so far. Nothing special, but it's okay.

So after Loran returned from work we went to a Gym in Daphanies uhm, Appartement-heighborhood-area-something. After that we went with Daphanie to Popeye's. A chicken restaurant. I'm quite sure that I've heard from that popeye's chicken before in a movie, from Adam Sandler maybe? Little Nicki? Hmm..
Back to topic, the chicken there is really good. Soo, something else... Ah yes, I showed at his thermometer the difference between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. So he can imagine what I mean with very hot, 35 degrees Celsius. For those who use Celsius: 35 degrees Fahrenheit are about 1.6 degrees Celsius, so no American would say 35 degrees are hot.

1 comment:

  1. I deleted because of spelling mistakes-My name is Paula and I am a friend of Sharons and I also have an exchange student from Germany.Welcome to Texas
