Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A disgusting hot day

Austin, September 1st

Our bus driver, Miss Charity, says us everyday, short before we reach Vist Ridge the date and the expected temperature. Not today. She said just: It will be disgusting hot!

And it was hot. We sweated extremely during football class. Under the helmet was it terrible. But at least we wont be dazzled by the sun. As long as we don't look direct into it.
The whole football clothes stink. They wash it every day, but it smells worse from day to day.
Today will really everything washed. (the football pants with the pads in it will normally not washed. Or not every day. And the towels smell bad o.O)
Tomorrow is a football game =)
I can leave class 45 minutes earlier, because we will play at a other school. So we will leave Vista Ridge at 3:15.
I'm really looking forward to the game. I've never been in at a football game that was not in our home stadium.

Enough about the game.

For football we have a grading sheet. I have to go to all my teachers, and they have to sign it and write that I'm a good student. Or at least not someone who nerver works in class and don't do homeworks.
And my multimedia teacher was so happy that she has a football player in her class xD
It was really funny.

Wow again about football. But I think today happened nothing interesting, except for football.

Oh wait, I got an email from Mama xD
It's nice to hear from time to time from Germany.

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