Saturday, September 18, 2010

Homecoming night

Austin, September 18th

I just was at walmart and a optican for the lenses. I need a examination for about 109$. But the doctor wasn't there anymore, so I have to wait until next saturday for the examination.
In a sport authority shop I bought some sport clothes and looked for gloves. The only pair I really liked, was to big for me, I will go to another shop and look if I can buy them there.

At 2:30 we left for the Welcome party at Sharon's house.We had a little stop at Sport Academy and bought some gloves. I tried almost every single gloves until I found some which fit, look good and don't fell funny at the thumb or index finger. No easy job. But finally I found some. They are red, black and white, my school colors.

We arrived at Sharon's at 3:30. About half an hour to late, but I think we didn't missed anything. The people were just talking. Someone had a little football, so I asked him if he want to play ball. At the beginning I caught not one ball... but I got better. More and more people joined, and later wanted two little girls play with us. So I was with the girls at one side, and four boys at the other side. It was really funny. The girls couldn't throw very well, so they run most of the distance before they throw.
Suddenly my watch flew away. A little metal stick is broken. I will try to get a new of these sticks. I want to see if the 10-years-batterie really 10 year live...
I brought some swiss chocolate and gummi bears. The American hast parents enjoyed the chocolate and the German exchange students were happy to have gummi bears. The Little kids eat everything!

But we had to leave early. I had to get dressed for the homecoming night and wanted to meet some friends (well I knew one, the others were strangers) for dinner.
This place is very popular for homecoming fotos. There were dozen of students. I knew many of them, but not all.
We were in a Italian restaurant., where some other students joined us. I knew one of them, one of my theater class.
We had a lot of fun. We talked much, and finally not just how I like it in America.
Then we went to the homecoming night at school.

Sivonna, me and Colleen
It was... the best school party I've ever been.
But, the music was stupid, and to quiet. And to less light effects.
The beginning was a bit boring.
But sometimes a group of students forced me in their center and screamed: Go MArc, show us how German dance!
"Und ich sag, ab geht die Party und die Party geht ab!"
It did't really fit to the slow music, but everyone liked it xD
Later the music changed and it was more fun.
A girl wanted to dance a slow dance. It looked funny. She had a cute dress, but she looked like she smoked weed or something. Maybe just because of the bad light..
I danced later with Colleen.

Short before they played the last sond, the music stoped and one teacher or staff or someone else, said something about where we will be picked up and about the last song... I screamed "Disco Pogo" (a funny German song, but funfortunately not very known in the US) and we Germans and some of our American friends screamed some lines of the song. It was funny, the whole cafeteria was quiet exept for us.
But then the last sond, Bad Romance, started and we screamed that song.
Then we had to say goodbye.
It was a funny day. I hope that there is another dance night between Homecoming and Prom.

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