Friday, September 3, 2010

Pep Rally

Austin, September 3rd

Today we had our first Pep Rally. It was interesting. I had a really good view (not as good as Jessica, she is in the Ceerleader team and so she was by them). I sat by the Seniors. Yes I know I'm just a Junior, but the guy who told through the microphone, who sit where spoke so indistinctly that I just understand 'Pep Rally' and 'Freshman' both not really helpful. So I just sat somewhere, close to someone I know.

It was funny, One of the dancers pants ripped, one of the ceerleader fell almost to the floor after a 'stunt', boys, dressed as female cheerleader make themself to monkeys (I hope you use this phrase in English), and lot more stuff happened.

I didn't go to the game, it was against Harker Heights again, and we beat them yesterday at their field and for sure today in our stadium!

In Spanish we had a multiple coise-like test. It was multiple coise, but sometimes you had four questions and four answers and had to connect the questions with the right answers. Well I understand alomst nothing. The second half was more or less completely guessing.

It we will write this test two more times (it is just to see how much Spanish we understand), so it doesn't really matter.

In football we lifted weights again. I'm so tired from the lifting =( But it's weekend now, so I can relax.
In multimedia I talked the first time with the guy left to me. Normally I just talk with the girl on my right side xD
But we had B-lunch (like allways) and such a short way to the cafereria, that I was first at the 'Grilled' line. I was to hungry to wait until some guys from my football team or theater, or somewho else I know came, so I sat to the boy from Multimedia. He sat alone on a long table, and I decided to go to him and try to get him a bit known. Well he is not really an interresting boy. Exept for his name: Austin. Thats easy to remember.
He is new at this school and so he was happy to get someone known, especially when I told him that I'm in the JV football team. haha, it's great, always when the people hear that I'm from Germany or a football player - or both - they are impressed. 
Yes I know, JV is not as good as Varsity team, and I just played one time. But footballplayer is footballplayer, right? 

Theater class was okay. Jessica told me about the girl, whose pants ripped at the Pep Rally, I didn't saw it :(,
and that in German. And a she shows where the pants ripped (hard to explain without showing, but it was between her legs and you could see her underwear. And the other students just looked stupid while Jessi explained it to me. "What ware you doing??" Oh boy, it was so funny. You really should have seen that. And when Sally came Jessi said "I want to touch your boobies!" And again everyone looked. Sally is a bit a weird girl. But she is funny. And today she had a strange backpack, wich huge eyes, which looked a bit like.. yeah you know what I mean.
Then we watched youtube videos about the Oracle in Delphi. Or better we should watch. But we just made rubblish and talk.
And then we had to chose a partner (or on the sheet was: choose a partner, but the teacher choose) and should write a oracle for the other. It's incredible how mean the most of the oracles are. I, for exapmple, will kill me wife, if not me best friend and my wife will cheat me and I will kill both of them. Really, do I look like a murderer? (From some of my German friends I will really NO answer!)
I was mercyfull with the oracle. My partner will left by her husband when she is pregnant with her 8th child and she will later loose 2 of them, but in the end she will have a happy life. Or as good as you can have it, when two of your kids died...
But it has an happy end, the most of he other not. (But my punishment for fighting against the oracle was creative. A time loop, and she will see her worst days again and again).
But the beginning of the oracle I wrote for my partner (I think her name is Pricilla) was really close to her real life. I'm really good, aren't I? I know nothing about her before that day! I just hope the end will not become true.

Today I take the first time my school bus home. I have fridays no football practice, because of the game in the night. While I wait I got one of my English class and Ranger time class better known. She was dissapointed that she didn't see the first football game I played, I promised her to call or text her when I play the next time xD
And when the bus later stopped to let me out, everyone asked; why are we stopping here? -I'm the only one who leave bus there, and I'm in the morning one of the first who will be picked up, so noone knows where I live)- But when I go to the door of the bus, suddenly some of the younger students called: Good bye, until the half bus said goodbye. The funniest thing was, some of them called: Good bye, I love you! and so stuff, but when I turned and called back "I love ya too, Cya!" Suddenly averyone was quiet. I think noone expected something like that xD You should have seen their faces, totally stunned. I almost fell out of the bus, because I tried to keep my laughing back. It wasn't easy.

What a day, alone at the bus stop I recognized about a dozen of students I should know. And a lot more who know me, I don't know why, but I knew maybe three names. And when I walk through the school there are a lot more people I should know.

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