Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm soo tired

Austin, September 13th

Wow, it's monday, and I want weekend again. Msbehavin, our cat woke me up at 4 am.... She likes the lotion I pu on my hurting shoulder and tries to lick it up.

Today was open house in school. So some classes were shorter, but I don't really recognized a change of the schedule.

Algebra was as easy as always, we had something like a test, but with partner. Null problemo!
Football was hard, first in the hot sun running, then in the gym weights lifting... Going to the gym with Loran is more fun then in the school.
After football I saw, that I let my English stuff at home... with the poem...
Luckily are two of my English class in football too, so I could lend the original poem, and rewrite my own poem.

In US history we had a test. We watched a movie and had to answer questions. Sometimes bad to understand, sometime you had to be blind and deaf to don't see the answer.
We will soon have a day, where we shall wear at least 3 cowboy or indians articles of clothing. And we shall bring somethin to eat. For two extra credits for this six weeks periode.
Our school year is in six week periodes splitted, after each six week we get a grade.
It's funny, the first two six week periodes are 5 weeks long and then we have two 7 week long six week periodes.

My last class was English, we wrote our major grade test.
And I had no idea what to write. We read the book: The color of Water, and should look for the most important sentences, and write, why we think they are important.
The only thing I remembered from the book was the beginning: I don't know where my mom come from, or something like that. So I wrote about that.
But not very much, I had to finish and edit my poem, and someone had to read it to say what I could write better.
Let someone read a poem about your life is a good way to get someone known. But the two I let my poem read are a bit scared about my love to knives.
Especially when I said I have a beatiful knive from Australia (thanks dad xD ) they looked funny.
But the girls are nice, and the time was running.

Football practice was much better than football class. I had to catch some balls, run away from someone. Play snapper -throw the ball to the coach, and he throw it to the player- and talk to some players. And of course Steffen and I, more Steffen than me, taught bad words...

At home I first ate Spaghetti, the I did my Spanish homework (stupid poem) and now we want to watch: the Waterboy.

Goodbye everyone

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