Monday, September 20, 2010

I love my new gloves

Austin, September 20th

I had still headache this morning. In fact I have still headache now... But it's getting better.

In Spanish we had to play our scripts. It was fun, beacause we didn't really knew what to do or to say. We just wrote the script some minutes ago, because in the last class, none of us had any idea what to do.
But what we finally had, was funny.
After all groups played, we had a class quizz. We could answer almost every question, so the whole class gets a 99. Interesting kind of teaching...

While we praciced outside, my headache disappeard. Until we went to the weight room. Then they came back.
Multimedia was okay. Not really special. We learned more about edit pictures and had the rest of the class time to try it.

Theater was great. We wrote a script for a short mime play. The actors are not allowed to make noises or use preps, so one of us has to do all sounds. And I don't know why, but somehow I got the sounds part...
I'm terrible in change my voice, but somehow I was able to do some noises.
Fortunately almost every person dies in this script (I know, dead is terrible) and to make a sound for that is easy.
But after we practiced it about 5 times my throat hurts...
Yeah, I'm a poor pig, always I have some pain.

At least the headache disappeared almost when I had football practice.
I love my new gloves.
It was one of the best practice days.
I hope thats not just because of the gloves. But it's really great, the hands hurts less, if the ball comes to hard. And the ball 'glues' a little bit. AND they look cool!
Well, some of the other guys say they are cute. Not sure if thats goood or not, but I'll take it as a compliment.
I caught a ball in a difficult play, but the quarterback tackeld me, before I could make sure that I won't loose the ball... the defense team said, I runned a perfect route, but I have to ensure that I keep the ball. Not easy if a 200 pounds boy lay over you.

When I was not on the field, I talked much to the other playeers. Mostly about the homecoming night. And parties in Germany. And some experiences Steffen made at the homecoming xD The girl who wanted to do the slow dance xD She wanted much more than just being his classmate xD

Dinner was great. Gary is a super cook!

Now I'm chatting with Colleen. One of the girls I went to the homecoming with. She's really nice.
I wished the internet access wouldn't be so slow, I hate waiting minutes for loading one website, and the chat sometimes stops...

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