Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday is rest day

Austin, September 19th

This morning caled somone from CIEE. I slept so my hostdad told them, I will call back later.
So I called after breakfast.
Mmmm, I had the best scrambled eggs I've ever eaten in the USA. And bacon... I love bacon.

So I called back, but neither at the privat number, nor at the CIEE office answered someone the phone. Than it's not as important... I sent them an email, so if they want something from me, they can mail me or call me again.

At midday I played footballl with Loran. I'm getting better xD

The lunch/dinner was great too. Meat and potatoes, and little carrots, and salad, and and and.

Then I showed my hostparents on a compuer map where I live in Germany, and where my dad works, and the route I flew from Germany tothe US.
And they showed me where their house in Michigan is.

But hen I had to do homeworks. Not easy when you somewhen suddenly headache have -.-
I go to bed now, hopefully is the headache tomorrow away!

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