Sunday, September 12, 2010

Germans on tour

Austin, September 12th

Sunday, and I slept until... hmm long.
For lunch Loran and I were at the All-you-can-eat buffet again. I was great, but I think my stomach don't like sushi for braekfast... it felt funny.
But the shrimps and the ice were fine.
Next to the buffet is an electronic shop. A really really big electronic shop. We played  bit with the computer, I turned the sound of the keyboard high and let them play demo songs (I could hear the keyboards almost at the other end of the market), and did the same with some radios... like a little kid xD

We bought a film, Waterboy, with Adam Sandler, I love his films. He is so funny. We want to see it tonight.

At four I met Jessica and her hostfamily. We waited for a friend of them -Shipes- and the other two Germans from my school, Steffen and Caroline. Then we 5 went to a river to swim. It was really funny. There we met a other German exchange student. We played some... weird games, like 'I love you, give me a simile' -you don't have to smile, or you loose, for me it was impossible, I was out at the first try...- or 'I have never ever' -There you show all 10 fingers, someone say "I have never ever...' and something he never did and if you have done this, you put one of your fingers down. It were many, well naughty questions. I better don't repeat the questions, but Jessica lost. The second one who was out was me... what a luck that I don't get the rules in the beginning (I wasn't sure, if you have to put your finger down if you have done it, or if you don't), so I wasn't too fast out. But at every, lets call it not nice question, we looked to Jessi. I think I'll stop here.

Later we went to a bridge. And we jumped from the bridge, first just the american girl and me. Later Steffen and Jessica too.  (video will follow)

'No it's deep enough, you wont hit the floor' Well, maybe they dont hit the floor, I did, and its not nice. At the second jump I didnt hit it. The third time again. From that and hitting the water by a jump from a sure over 15 meters high bridge my butt hurts. Luckily for my not as bad as Jessis, but bad enough. Jessi, in the case that you'll ever read that, I hope you will feel better soon!

But we had much fun today. In the car we sung German carnival songs like 'Cowboy und Indianer', later songs from the Atzen like Disco Pogo.
Dinner we had at Sonics.
When Loran picked me finally up it was about 10. It was a great day and I had much fun.
The Waterboy we will watch tomorrow, it's a bit late for a whole movie.

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