Friday, September 10, 2010

Austin, September 10th

Today I took the school bus. Charity, the bus driver missed me xD
I thought I missed the bus, because I was at the pick up point at 8am and the bus wasn't there until 8:05. So I went to an other pick up pouint, where the bus arrives at about 8:15. Short before I reached the point, I saw the bus passing. Great, the bus was too late, not me.
The bus were at the point at 8:19. But it was not much traffic, and so we didn't need long to school. First I wanted to go to my class room, but I thought, 15 minutes waiting is boring and so I went to the library were Steffen was.

In Spanish we wrot a test, hmm, I always wrote 'tu' instead of 'su' =(
In football weight lifting. In multimedia I designed a flower and set my pink-yellow-red ladybug on it. I played a bit with the effects, it looks really cool. I will upload the picture when I had the next multimedia class.

Theater was funny. We have to play the next time, and for that, we should in small groups think about what we wil play. It must be something with the old greek and the given things have to appear.
We chose greek names, or names which sounds greek. Jessica is 'Luftikus'. I don't know how to explain it in English, but when Jessica said that will be her name I laughed so hard. The other wanted us to explain why I laughed, but like I said, I have no idea how to explain it.
By this way, I'm Marcus Aurelius - the sleeping theater visitor. That's really easy, I just have to say: That play is soo boooring! yawn and fell from the chair.

This class is really fun. Later we watched the rest of Hercules.

After school Loran brought me to the mall. He is dental hygienist and wanted to look after my teeth. They are good.
I think the x-ray machine their is made in Germany. The instructions are there in German and English!
I feel uncomfortable when I'm x-rayed. No matter if its in the hospital, the dentist or somewhere else. I just don't like it, I don't know why, you can't feel the x-rays. You just stand/lay/sit there...

Then we walked through the mall, I met Sally, a girl from my Theater class.

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