Sunday, September 26, 2010

A day in two parts

Austin, September 26th

After we almost fell asleep in the sauna of the gym we drove to a donuts shop. DOOOONUTS. I love DOONUTS (or doughnuts? i don't care, donut is donut, no matter how it's written)

But it was closed. we were 51 minutes to late...
Ha, the drive thru is open until 1am. So we have 10 minutes to buy them!
A perfect start in the day.
So we drove home, drunk milk and ate DOOOONUTS. Okay, now it's even for myself annoying to write donuts in capital letters with many o's.
In the TV was titanic. Boring. I ate my donuts and started to write my blog. So now it's 2:19. I had the best breakfast someone can have. My right eye hurts because I wore the contacts way too long.
I go to bed now. I want to go to church later and I think it's not good to sleep in a church. In a school yes, in the cinema, wast of money, but yes, but in a church I try to be a good boy.
But when I talked to Colleen yesterday I remembered many stories, where I was not a good boy... Hmm nice memories.
So but now really enough, I write later again. Good nite.
So, I slep a couple of hours and we went to church. It was the first time for Gary in that church.
We took his car and the navi sent us... I have no idea. Somewhen we drove this direction, then we turned and drove the same way back... But finally we arrived at the church.
I think for the future we should chose one way to church and take this everytime. Not every time an other route.

I met Sharon, Sonja and Adrian there. Sonja and Adrian had a playday yesterday (for those who are to lazy to read Sonjas blog, a playday is a horseback riding competition). And they made 4th (Sonja) and 7th place (Adrian). Congratulation guys!
I remember when I had riding lessons, I could hardly keep the horse under control, I'm pretty sure I will never be able to go to a competition.

With Adrian I talked about football. What a wonder....

At the way back we first had planned to stop at a Whataburger. (was that a good burger or a bad one, I can't remember, I ate so many burgers in the last weeks..)
Then Gary wanted to go home and eat there.
But finally we stopped at Freddy's. Steakburger... I prefer real hamburger. And why do they have so thin fries. I guess they get their stuff from the same merchant like Steack & Shake. The burger look the same and the fries are pretty sure the same brand. Small and thin....

At home I chatted with some girls from my school. Later we watched Football Bloopers. Its a stupid movie, they try to be funny all the time and after some minutes it's just annoying.

The dinner was much better than lunch. Gary made the same meat like you get at Rudy's, just a bit better.
At Rudy's you get a whole mountain of meat, cut in thin slices. And somehow special cooked.

After dinner we watched the Waterboy. This was for sure not the best movie of Adam Sandler, but sometimes funny, though.
It's a bit weird when he plays with a grimaces the whole time and changed his voice.
Same as in this devil movie. Little Nicki or Satan Junior or whatever it's called. I hope Big Dddy is better... I think I saw it yet. I'm not sure.
And I'm really looking forward to see Indiana Jones in English. George Lucas and Harrison Ford, a dream team.
Oh I totally forgot: Loran bought some old movies, like the Waterboy, Big Daddy, the first Indiana Jones... and so I have to watch many movies the next week.

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