Thursday, September 16, 2010

He's here

Austin, September16th

That was a really relaxed day.
It's mexican independence day (today or yesterday, I'm not sure), and so we had in Spanish a mexican breatfast, with taquitos and burritos and all that stuff.
In groups of five we have to write scripts for a little play. The topic is, of course, the mexican revolution...
I hate to write scripts under pressure. And with a given story.
Completely free is much more fun.

Because of the game yesterday, and the JV red team game tonight, my team had free in football class. So we sit in the study hall and did homework.
If we had something to do. I just learned my routes.

In multimedia I finished the next picture:
Not as nice as my beautiful flower, but not bad.

Lunch I had with a girl from my multimedia class, one boy from my theater class and a football player... and some guys I don't know.

Theater class was funny, like always. I watched mime and pantomime videos in youtube.
After school I went to the study hall again, to reach in my grade sheet. A paper where all my teachers have to sign and write, that I'm a good student.
In the locker room was nobody of my team, so I guessed that the free day includes the practice too.
Good, it was short before 4, Loren is still working, so I had to take the bus.
During the drive I talked a bit with a senior girl, he normal stuff, I'm from Germany, America is great, bla bla bla. Later I wrote some text messages.
When I opened the door I first saw some cartons, with cereals and other stuff. They weren't there when I left the house this morning. In Lorans bedroom was a suitcase... Gary is really yet here! But where is he? The house was empty....
I texted him. Some minutes later he was here. My other hostdad!
He's really nice, but he said, he is the bad guy of my two hostparents... We'll see...
We repaired and cleaned the vacuum, and cleannd the garage and the house until Loran came from work.

Before we then went out for dinner, I got a little present from Gary, no a BIG present.

My first own FOOTBALL!!
Not such a half plastic, half lether ball from a supermarket, a really lether NFL football.
I love that ball. I still sit just there nd hold my ball like.. well, like a receiver have to hold a ball.

Then I gave them my present. Loran wanted to wait until Gary is here and I forgot in totally. But now they got muuuuuuch chocolate, gummibears, a book about the Bodensee and a bag from the 'familyseat' since some hundred years.

Then we had dinner at a mexican restaurant, and like always ate we too much chpis before the meal came. But I love the chips and queso and the other stuff.

Then Loran and I went to the gym.

Muscleman xD

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