Thursday, September 30, 2010

He's a Pirate

Austin, September 30th

In school was nothing interesting today, maybe exept for the Theater class, so I will skip it today.
(In Theater we play pantomie again, and the play of my group is quite funny, but somehow it matches perfectly the picture of many of the students I know better than just from class. I will write about it when we perform it)

Some football players, at least high school football players and sure college players, too, 'decorate' their helmets with little stickers. In Vista ridge every thursday some of the players are 'hardheads' (or hardhats?) of the week. I think if you are really good in practice or at the last game... you get this 'title'. They sign some white helmets and get such a sticker.
Today got not just these hardheads a sticker, but all players with just B's or A's, too.
Like I wrote the first six-week period is over, so we got today our report cards.
And guess what, I got a sticker! Now I have a little skull at the back of my helmet.

After school we drive to the Cedar Park Highschool. The Ranger JV never beat them before, but now they have two lucky charms. Steffen and me. Since we are playing, we never lost a game!
And so we beat them today. 
Unfortunately the new players didn't play very much. I was about 3 times at the field, and I think Steffen didn't play today. Again we made one touchdown to less. Everytime the coach say Steffen get the next field goal, we don't score anymore...


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