Friday, September 24, 2010

Austin, September 24th

FRIDAY! Last school day this week!
I took the school bus today, the first time since, hmm over a week I think.
Spanish was different. Normally I just sit there, listen to the teacher. Try not to fell asleep. Answer some questions... But today we had pronounciation practice. From the ceiling came headsets and we had to speak with a partner through the headset. In Spanish of course, the teacher could hear us and connect her headset with ours if she wanted, so we really had to do something.

Like every friday, we had to lift weights in football class. We have a newbe, so Steve and I had the honorable job, to show him like everything works.
Suddenly my choach came to me and asked, if I want to go with the Varsity team sometimes. What a question, of course want I go with the Varsity team to a game.
I don't think that I will play, but how is the Olympic motto: Dabei sein ist alles! (To be there is everything?!?)
So I hope that I wont have to wait too long until I can go with the Varsity team to a game. Hopefully a homegame, so everyone can see me there!

In Multimedia I created beautiful pictures.

These are my best two versions. I tried many different things, colors, gradients, shadows, and many more.

In theater class we had to perform a pantomime. Crap, I forgot to think about what I perform.
I thought about changing my clothes for a football game. But it seemed to difficult. Jessica brought me on a good idea. Shaving. We should perform something we do everyday. And I do that almost everyday.
So I 'put' foam on my face. 'Took' a razorblade. 'Cut' my finger when I tested if its sharp. Started shaving and 'cut' myself in the face. I tried to make them laugh, so they don't see that I've no idea what I'm doing. I think it worked xD

At home we had a really good dinner. Potatoes and pork, shrimps and brokkoli. Yummi!

Then Loran and I went to a gym. At some exercises my headache started again... I think I have to be careful with what I'm doing for the next one, two weeks.
After the workout we went to the sauna. I love sauna.
Then we took a shower and go to the hot tub, the pool and the sauna again.
After we returned we watched The Hangover. A really great and extreamly funny movie!

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