Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First theater grade

Austin, September 14th

I don't know why, but we had ranger time today. Hmm, okay, 30 minutes nothing to do than talking with Ashley, a girl from my Eglish class and ranger time. After the football class I went to the Obama adress to the American students. We had a bad connection to him and so sometimes the video froze, ar the sound was suddenly away...
But better sitting in the cafeteria and listen to Obama, then hanging around in the locker room. 

In multimedia I had to find out, that gmx.net is a 'adult page' or something like that. And so I can't send the pictures I 'draw' in school to myself, or someone else, to upload them here...
SchuelerVZ, a social network for students, is not banned, so I uploaded my picture there:

In theater we had to play, my group got 90 pints out of 100. We lost 10 because we had no text for one of our members... Alright, the next time we will let someone die in our plays, he/she will say why he/she will die... or something like that, we'll see.
But it was fun. Like I wrote earlier I'm a bored guy who watch the play, our teacher thought I was the regisseur... Maybe it looks like I'm the regisseur, because I should be angry and say 'I love this candy'. In German, so nobody knows what I say. And then fall asleep. The candy was Sallys idea, I just wanted to say that I want the end of the school. Or maybe something about pants. I don't know why, but I thought abour pants when I sat there and waited to play.
Yes it's great to speak a foreign language. For them foreign, for me the mother language. But I start to like it, if someone asks me to speak German, I just can say what I think, and noone understands me.

Football practice was hard, like always. And it was sooo hot. At least we have some sweat student trainer/watergirls who gave us water whenever we needed it.
My right little finger hurts and I have the sign of the seam of the football on my left arm, in lila...

Loran and I watched Casino Royale during dinner. We had hot dogs and ravioli, hmmmmm, I love it.
The movie was better than I thought, the 'new' James Bond is not as good as Roger Moore or Sean Connery, and don't look as good as Pierce Brosnan (but I look more at the women, so I don't really care how they look like).
Sometimes the movie was a bit unrealistic. Like when the car drives through another car (in the beginnin at the airport), burns totally out, but the two people in t are almost uninjured.
Or when Craig laughes, after the bad guy hit him with the rope in the balls, I'm pretty sure, I couldn't lugh so loud like him, if that happened to me...

Well, I would love to write more, but tomorrow I have a game, my first and only wednessday game, and so I should sleep a bit earlier.
A game at 7:30, when it starts to become dark, I hope, that's how a high school football game have to be, in the night.

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