Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Germinator

Austin, September 23rd

I wrote a math test in first period. And, wow, I wished they are so easy in Germany xD
In football class just the special teams practiced, so I had much time to stand in the sun and, do nothing...
But at least it was nice weather.
In US history we compared the Wizard of Oz with the time of populism (the 1800's?)
In English we worked on the poem again.
And then we had to wait in the study hall. Thursday = Gameday
And this time we got the lategame, so I started at about 7:30. After about 45minutes the coaches sent us to the wrestling room. It was cool, everything was padded. But we couldn't do much there. Every other minute one of the coaches shouted: Sit down, relax! So we relaxed, and talked and played games on Ipods or phones or whatever that was.
At 5:30 we had to change clothes and make us ready for going to the field. We watched the end of the 2nd quarter until the mid of the 4th quarter, then we started our streching and warm ups. I cought every ball in the route training!
 And the finally our game started.
I had nothing to do in the first half. But at the 10 minutes break the coach asked me if I can run a 9-route and if I know what a 0-route is. Yeah I know them. this are two of the easiest route to remember. Easy to remember, but the 9 is hard to do. You run from the ball away, and when it reaches you, you have to catch it over the shoulder, with the back to the quarterback and still running. Great, I caught the ball maybe twice at this way. But now I will propably do this in the game...
At the second half of the 3rd quarter I came in the game. The first time that I play not just in the 4th!
I didn't really knew what to do, run or block? I run. And the corner back followed me, idiot! He followed me twice, then I started to block him.
And then the 4th quarter begun. I don't know why, but this time, we started at the other side of the field, not the side we normally play.
Maybe because we play the second game today?
So the fourth quarter was something new for me. I played not at the side where my team and my coaches are. So iif I don't understand what to do... there is nobody who help me.
And worse, they called a play, where I have to run the 9!
I was so nervous, when they said 399 - something. But when I run I feeled good. I just didn't exactly know when I have to be ready for the ball. I turned my head to early, and dang it, the ball came about one yard to far away down. But at least I know now how to run this route, like coach Rushing said, a game is the best football practice!

Steffen had bad luck too. He should get the following field goal, when the score was 20:0. But unfortunately, I missed the touchdown, and noone else made one. So he didn't get the chance to proof his kicker knowledge... But he made a good kick off, and -sure the best thing today happened- the game commentator called him by his football nickname : The Germinator! We don't know exactly how he know about this name, I guess he heard us the last time shouting.

After the game, he asked for a Gameday shirt. Finally, almost the half of the season is over. And since I was with him, I asked if I could get a smaller one. Mine is size L. Way to big. They had no M, but S fits. Hmm I think the sizes are different in America.
The coach who gave us the shirts brought a ukulele to the locker room and played on it.
After I showered he told me, that he once made 115 Euros at one day, when he was in Heidelberg, Germany, and played on his guitar at the sidewalk.
I told him that I started in Germany to play the guitar too, and then he taughed me some chord at the ukulele. So I sat in underwear in the locker room and played ukulele.

But I was hungry, so I gave him the ukulele back, dressed me up and looked for my hostfamily, to go home and get something to eat. And I found more than 'just' my hostfamily. Daphanie was there too! It was great to see her again, I haven't seen her for ages!

Now I've eaten something, watched scrubs, chatted. I think I will go to bed, a 13h school day is tiring.

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