Saturday, September 4, 2010

Much food

Austin, September 4th

Today I slept long. Very long, at least until 9:30. But I stayed in bed until 11:30 or something. Until Loran started to make my bed...and discovered that I'm still in it :p

Later we went with Daphanie out to eat. Chinese All-you-can-eat, delicious. I hadn't had so much shrimp. And I ate the first time in my live Sushi! Well, it wont be my favourite eat, but some kinds of Sushi are really good. And fruits. Three or four different kinds of melon.

And the fortune cockie gave my a better fortune than my oracle yesterday xD

Than Loran and I went to the boat of his boss again. The water was colder than the last time, but still pretty warm.

We first lay in the sun, and later in the water and waited for Paul, Lorans boss. His girlfriend wanted to come too, but her daughter got sick. Hopefully she gets better soon.
We stayed there until it was dark. We sat outsaid and talk, or better Loran and Paul talked, I just listen most of the time.
Paul is cool, he said we could bring Sharon, Sonja and Adrian to come to the boat.
Or if I have a date I should go to the boat xD Great idea.

For dinner we went to Serranos again, the mexican restaurant we ate sometimes.

I don't know why, but I eat always to much of the tortilla chips before the real meal comes, so I can't eat everything -.-
But I love tortilla with queso!

In the restaurant I tought Loran how to say Sonjas and Adrians names. At Adrian I had a bit difficults, because I don't know how I can the name compare with a English word, but Sonja was easier, SUN and YEAH, this both words together and you have it.

The Texas Longhorns played today, and they won!!
The Longhorns are the football team of the University of Texas in Austin. Very much people wore Longhorn shirts today.

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