Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just a relaxed day

Austin, September 11th

I don't think I have to remind anyine what day today was. Or what day 9 years ago was.
So my day started with a sometimes interesting, sometimes boring TV report about 9/11. I don't know when exactly it started, but I think it was about 0:23. Just when I got tired watching old Scrubs episodes.
So I watched that for a while untill I went to bed.

It's saturday, so I could sleep as long as I wanted. Then I had a long breakfast. And another breakfast, and a third one.

Then I begun my homework. Well, that was my day. I just went with Loran to Stake & Shake for dinner. Good stakeburger and very sweet milkshakes. When we was driving, I saw some of the normally little lakes, some of them are still hugh and at least one street is still closed and under water. I am curious how long the water will be so high...
And then we went to the gym.
My shoulder hurts, strangely my 'good' shoulder, and so I mostly worked out for my legs. 
I tired a machine in which I had to press my legs together. I first thought the machine is broken, I had a resist of 50 pounds and it felt like nothing. Well I know it's not much, but that was too easy. So I took 70, 90, 150 finally 200!! pounds. Now hurt my legs, but that was it worth.

Loran wants to sleep long tomorrow, and I think I will too, so we will skip church this time.
But somewhen I will go to the sunday school from the Cowboy Church, I WANT THE DONUTS!!
And I like the church, I just wish I would understand all of the jokes.

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