Thursday, September 9, 2010

Red, black, Rangers attack

Austin, September 9th

It's thursday, Gameday, that means I'll stay in school a long long time.
And I have to wear my gameday shirt. It's size m. Much to big. But they have no smaller ones anymore.

In Algebra we wrote a test. Easy, really easy.
My Algebra teacher wasn't at school and so we had a substitute. And that at a day, when my teacher have to sign my grade sheet for football.

Then we had ranger time. We could vote for the homecoming king/queen. Well, I don't know the lastname of anybody, so I didn't vote.
Some of the students had to draw a poster, I think for the door. On this poster should be a football palyer. I was the only football player in class, so I had to model.
It doesn't seem like me. But it's jut the shadow yat, we'll see how it looks in the end.
One of the students saw my hurt finger. She said it's maybe broken. But it feels much better yet, I think it's just a bit sprained, or what know I.

Football practice and history weren't especial.

In English class we had to wrote things on posters, what in our social contract should be included.
My were seperated in three groups. One group with the topic Respect, one with hmm I've forgot what the second was. And we had 'Rangers Up'. Noone of us knew what that meant. But we had to write about how to help other students, how to increase school spirit, stuff like that. 
I had to present our poster. Everyone wanted to her my accents. Ohh I love your accent! Allways the same, I wished I could hear myself, like an American hears me.

After school I went to the locker room. Put the pads in my football pants, got my jersey. We wore white again. Eat something. Talk with the others. And finally go out to the field.
It was again a very short game. I don't know why, but somehow runs the time.
I thought between the plays, tries, whatever, will the clock stopped. But I probably err there.
We won. 20:0!
The kicker of the other team was worse. Really, I wondered if he wnted to help us, and not his team. He kicked high, but just a few yards.
It was not his day.
It was not their day. In the 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter they had no chance, in the 2nd they were okay. Or our team was bad. 
I shouldn't say so much bad about them. I should better look at my own weaknesses.  
But today I played good. Everyone said it, the coaches, the other player.
Hmm, but maybe I'm so bad, that everyone lies to me... No, sure not.
Most of the time I should tackle down on special player. He was easy to recognize. He was the only one with red shorts on the whole field. His team mates wore white pants, we have black.
I got him once. And once lmost, but short before I reached him, one other player run into me, our helmet crashed , but exept for a little headache happened nothing. Well, he fell, I stand, how it shall be ;-)
I kept 'red pants' from the ball away, and so I did my job, not exactly how the coach said (tackle him down) but the result counts. I'll get better, maybe I should change from receiver to tackle.
I'm the guy left. Looks funny, doesn't it?
#34 that's me! And # 18 is 'redpants'

But the best one tonight was #20 -James- from our Red team. He had two touchdowns, caught the ball great (I think some intercepts), run through the whole field with the ball. He was really great.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Marc,
    du hats ja einen umfangreichen Blog am Laufen. Ich werde mich in den nächsten Tagen mal etwas mehr in deine Erlebnisse vertiefen.

    Bis dahin viele Grüße aus Gerlingen von Thomas, Elke und Co.
