Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Austin, September 29th

Wednesday, how can I always forget the Ranger time? Luckily was there an announcement before I could run to the gym.
I still think it's a waste of time, but it's just about 29 minutes, before I have nothing to talk anymore, the time is over.
In football class they trained the special teams again... That means for me: standing around.
I talked a bit to the players, especially one of the JV black quarterbacks. It's always good to be friend with the quarterbacks. This are the guys who throw the ball to you, or not, if they don't like you.
PJ, that's the quarterbacks nickname, really wants me to get a touchdown, and guess what, I want this too!
In the practice I get better and better. I catch most of the balls.
Even a 9 route I caught today.
I really like it better, when just the quarterback, the receiver and a safety, at least I think it was  a safety. I don't care much about the defense, I just know: this guys did a great job the last weeks!
But what the last weeks was doesn't count, tomorrow we play against Cedar Park, I've heard this will be the hardest oppenent so far.
I'm really looking forward to that game.

Football practice was short today, I as standing outside and waited for my hostdad at 5:55. Usually we practice until 6 o'clock.
But it was a good practice. We started with hiting dummies. First run to them, then run until you almost touch them, not easy as it sound, and then punch and run again.
Then the coach worked with other players. We had nothing to do, so we grabed JP and practiced routes.
Later we practices plays. We splitted in two 'huddles', and somehow was I the only X-receiver in my huddle. So I had to take part in every play, instead of play 3, someone else plays 3, (if there are more they play 3), you play 3 again. It was hot, I don't know what we would do without the watergirls.

And at last we made one big huddle at one side of the field, and an other one at the other side. Or they did something else, I don't know, aand I had no time to watch them. Now we were 3 X'es, so I had a break sometimes.

The school was boring, in Algebra 2 we did nothing new. At least not for me, and in US history we had a test. Multiple choice, no problem. Everytime you don't know the answer you cross answer 'b'.
I think I've heard of a research about multiple choice tests, and most of the answers are 'b'.
Or I just imagine it, in this case I will somewhen start a research and proof my theory.
I think I got a 94. Not bad, huh?

In English a cousellor visited us. She talked something about ACEs and SATs or something like that, I don't care, I don't need that college preperation stuff. I don't even have to know what projects and stuff the students will have to do in the Senior year, then I wont be here anymore.
After that we wrote a test. I think it was a test, we will have time to finish it next class, that's a bit weird.

After dinner Gary and I looked in his coin glass for quarter dollar coins with special backs. I have now 47 different coins. 46 from the states and one from Northern Mariane Islands, whatever that might be.

Then we watched Raider of the lost ark. I LOVE INDIANA JONES MOVIES! Harrison Ford is such a great actor. And i must say, the bad, bad Germans spoke very good German. Maybe they were real Germans, at least one of them spoke a bit informal German (Sach e mal, was machst du denn da oben?). I translated the German parts for Gary, it's an old VHS casette, and it has no subtitles with an English translation.

Big game tomorrow, I will go to bed early.
Good night everyone, or good morning there over the Atlantic...
Hey, I just remember, the test in Englih had two texts, one of them about the 'Crystal night' (Kristallnacht, war das nicht die Reichsprogromsnacht?) and in Indiana Jones there were the Nazis again. (No I don't want to say anything with that, I just remembered that)

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