Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday game

Austin, August 15th

Today wore just a few guys in gameday shirts. I think some of the other students thought we confounded the days. Well, NO, the JV black team had today a game and.... WE WON... 21:0 I think.
For Steffen it was the first real game he took part. He is a kicker, and in the 4th quarter he made a kick off.
It was cool. The whole team stand at the side line and screamed: GO GERMANATOR or COME ON STEFFEN, or some of the German things we taught them.

Between the 3rd and 4th quarter, my coach explained me a new play course. In this I have to catch the ball and run and run and run. 
And damn, I almost caught the ball. And the other team was so distributed, that I had made a touchdown, everyone said it :-(
But we won. Touchdown or not, we won.
And at my second play I got the cornerback stopped. I reached at least one of my goals.

At the drive to the game I showed Steffen some pictured of my friends and from my last trip wirth the class to the Netherlands. We listen to 'die toten Hosen' and 'die Aerzte' two German music groups.
The drive back was very short. We listen to music again, talked and the guys behind us sung some songs like 'Na na hey hey kiss him goodbye'. 

I decided to buy contact lenses, I'm just better in ball catching with glasses and so hopefully with lenses too.

Enough football, back to school.

Oh, wait Trouble tries to eat me headset.

Okay, in Algebra I got my test back, 95%!
And in English we talked about the PSAT, thats the pretest of the SAT, and that is something important for the college. So I didn't really listen.
We made some exercises of the test booklet. And I must say, I'm good in guessing. Even if I don't understand the words -and many of these words I never saw or heard before- I had about the half right.
I think that was more or less everything important today.

I have been in school until 9:45 and tired now. I think I will go to bed now, good night everyone.

PS: I've just seen, the Bundeswehr (the German Army) sent me a questionnaire for the Musterung (examination?)... too stupid, I think the next months I wont fight for noone ;-)

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