Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pantomime is fun

Austin, September 22nd

Hmmm... today was nothing really special.
In Football class it was so hot, my shirt was after school, when I went to football class, still wet. Disgusting!
But not the first time...

But in football practice later, it suddenly started to rain. And in less than two minutes we were completely wet...
Since we have a game tomorrow, the coaches made us to stay outside, until it was so bad, that we couldn't see under the helmet and the grass was too wet.

In theater class we played our pantomime scripts. It was sooo funny. Jessica filmed it, i will link it with my blog.

So now I'm chatting with Colleen, well I do it for hours, but I had to do homeworks too, so I just wrote the blog now. 

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